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Presentation on theme: "Well, Cricky… What an Adventure! HOME INTROTASKPROCESSGRASSLANDRAIN POLAR EVALUCONCLCREDITSTEACH."— Presentation transcript:


2 You are finally home from your exotic trip with the Crocodile Hunter, Steve Irwin. He took you all around the world showing you amazing animals and their territory. You went from being Eskimos in the Polar Regions to running from Cheetahs in the Grasslands. Steve Irwin took you from one end of the earth to the other. What an exciting journey! When you thought you had enough, the Crocodile Hunter himself asked for a huge favor from YOU. He was extremely upset that you two were not able to get any film footage of the dangerous encounters you had with the animals in the different regions of the world. So....he would like for YOU to make a guide for future adventurers like yourself! INTRODUCTION HOME INTRO TASKPROCESSGRASSLANDRAINPOLAREVALUCONCL CREDITS TEACH

3 I hope that you have your seatbelt on, because we cant let the Crocodile Hunter down! He has asked for you to include certain information within the guide book. Mr. Irwin wants to make sure the future adventurers are well informed about what they may face during their adventure. He would like you to tell the adventurers about the different animals and their habitat. Even try to relate the animals with the area they inhabit. The Crocodile Hunter said if you were able to do all of this…well…you may be able to star in his next movie, The Crocodile Hunter and His Cricky Partner. TASK HOMEINTROTASKPROCESSGRASSLANDRAINPOLAREVALUCONCL CREDITS TEACH

4 PROCESS Steve Irwin has supplied you with many websites to gather the information you will need to complete your guidebook. Please visit each website and follow the directions given. You are to inform the adventurers of at least three animals in each region. The facts that you gather should include the following: the name ofan animal, the description of the area the animal inhabits, the name of the region, and how the animal survives in that region. You are to organize all of the information that you gather into a chart. The chart will enable you to easily transport the facts into your guidebook. When making your own unique guidebook, you should be creative with your ideas, pictures, and the way you present your information. HOMEINTROTASKPROCESSGRASSLANDRAINPOLAREVALUCONCLCREDITS TEACH

5 The Savanna and the Grasslands Use the following websites to create your guidebook: * When this webpage appears, you will need to look for Grassland and Savanna in the colored boxes. The two will be grouped together, but you will have to click one at time to retrieve the information. * Look to the left of the webpage and search the different Grassland Topics * Creature World Creature World You will need to click on the different continents and research the animals to find out if they belong in the Savanna and Grassland Regions. Good Luck! * Build your own prairie, which is a type of Grassland. Make sure you follow the directions given! Have fun! HOMEINTROTASKPROCESSGRASSLAND RAINPOLAR EVALUCONCLCREDITSTEACH

6 The Tropical Rainforest Use the following websites to create your guidebook Rainforest - Enchanted Learning Software When the webpage appears, scroll down and read each topic given on Tropical Rainforests. MBGnet When the webpage appears, click onrainforest under Biomes of the World. Once the page appears, look to the left of the page, click on Rainforests Endangered, and read the paragraph. Afterwards, click on What can you do to help save the tropical rainforest? Read the information very carefully. When the webpage appears, scroll down and read the information aboutThe Amazon Rainforest. HOME INTRO TASK PROCESSGRASSLANDRAINPOLAR EVALU CONCLCREDITSTEACH

7 Polar and Mountainous Regions Use these websites to help make your guidebook. Creature WorldCreature World- The map on the main page has many places to visit to find out about several regions. However, on this website I would like for you to click on North America. There will be four different types of animals highlighted. Please click on each animal to learn about them. Make sure to take note of the 3 claws at the bottom of the page. It has many interesting facts! Please read this page to find out about the habitats of polar animals. Review this website to find information on polar and mountainous animals. Make sure to click on each animal listed. - - Please click on ARCTIC AND ANTARCTIC. Read the information. Have fun looking at the pictures. HOME INTROTASKPROCESSGRASSLAND RAIN POLAREVALUCONCLCREDITSTEACH

8 AreaQuestions to ask yourself Points Possible Participation -Did you review and follow directions for each website from the information given? -Did you organize a chart to hold the facts that you found? -Did you put complete thoughts and creative ideas into your book? 20 Chart/Compiling of Information -Does your chart hold the proper facts that are needed for your guidebook? -Does your chart hold information that was found from the websites given? -Did you organize the information in the proper form to transport to the guidebook easily? 40 Animal Guidebook -Do you have a paragraph or more on each region explaining the three animals chosen, a few facts about the animals, and facts about the habitat? -Does your book contain correctly spelled words and complete sentences? -Is your book filled with unique and colorful ideas? -Did you include extra information and drawings to make your book creative?. 40 STUDENTEVALUATIONSTUDENTEVALUATION HOMEINTROTASKPROCESSGRASSLAND RAIN POLAREVALUCONCLCREDITSTEACH

9 Conclusion Congratulations Mates! Through completing this WebQuest adventure you have discovered more about animals in the different regions of the world. Plus, you have made a handy dandy guidebook for future adventurers. HOMEINTROTASKPROCESSGRASSLANDRAINPOLAREVALUCONCLCREDITSTEACH

10 Credits: 003.htm 002.htm 015.htm 017.htm 015.htm (Icons were hyperlinked, but have action buttons over them). Images that are not hyperlinked are from Microsoft Word Clipart. CREDITSTEACHHOMEINTROTASK PROCESSGRASS -LAND RAIN POLAREVALUCONCL

11 Teacher Page: Well, Cricky…What an Adventure! A Webquest for 3rd Grade (Science) Designed by: Christy Stubblefield Standard: Life Science. Unit of Study: Habitats and Adaptations 3-2.1 Illustrate the life cycles of seed plants and various animals and summarize how they grow and are adapted to conditions within their habitats. 3-2.2 Explain how physical and behavioral adaptations allow organisms to survive (including hibernation, defense, locomotion, movement, food obtainment, and camouflage for animals and seed dispersal, color, and response to light for plants). 3-2. Recall the characteristics of an organisms habitat that allow the organism to survive there. CREDITSTEACHHOMEINTROTASKPROCESSGRASSLANDRAINPOLAR EVALUCONCL


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