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1 Assessing the Impact: TVbyGirls Media Literacy Program Beth McGuire Ree May 16 th 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Assessing the Impact: TVbyGirls Media Literacy Program Beth McGuire Ree May 16 th 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Assessing the Impact: TVbyGirls Media Literacy Program Beth McGuire Ree May 16 th 2007

2 2 Media’s Presence  Most kids watch 3-5 hours of TV a day  Nearly 70% have internet access at home

3 3 Issue: Media’s Influence  How can we lessen the impact of media’s negative influence on youth?

4 4 Media Literacy  Ability to interpret media messages  Ability to think critically  Ability to analyze media content  Proactive vs. passive approach

5 5 Growth in Media Literacy Education  Relatively new to schools No national standards Effectiveness is questioned  Also offered by a number of non-profit extracurricular programs Girl Scouts NEDA Go Girls! Local programs like YWCA

6 6 Local Response: TVbyGirls  Started in 2001 by local filmmakers with a particular interest in the power of media  2-4 hour workshops and camp sessions focused on media literacy  Select girls are further engaged through mentorship and learning applied media skills

7 7 Problem: Need Evidence of Impact  Affirm workshop format  Guide future content  Ensure it is making a difference  Improve grant seeking

8 8 Research Question  Do the TVbyGirls workshops have a lasting impact on the media literacy skills of the program participants?

9 9 Methodology  Mailed survey sent to 146 previous program participants  Questionnaire consisted of 15 questions, most on effectiveness of program  Respondents incented with chance to win $100 Target gift card

10 10 Results  44 of 146 responded  30% response rate  Response limited due to availability and accuracy of contact information  Over half of the respondents are in high school

11 11 Results: Critical Thinking  “I became more aware of how women and girls are shown in the media.” 81% agree/strongly agree

12 12 Results: Critical Thinking  “I think more about the media because of what I learned from TVbyGirls.” 68% agree/strongly agree

13 13 Results: Critical Thinking  “I am able to tell the difference between realistic and stereotypical images of women in the media.” 95% agree/strongly agree

14 14 Results: Cultural differences  54% agree “I learned more about different cultures.” 28% disagreed/strongly disagree 18% unsure

15 15 Results: Personal Change  “I felt more confident about myself.” 68% agree/strongly agree

16 16 Results: Personal Change  “I would recommend TVbyGirls to my friends.” 81% agree/strongly agree

17 17 Results: Media Education  77% already receiving media literacy education in school and elsewhere  82% want to receive more media literacy education from TVbyGirls

18 18 Results: Media Education  How would you like to receive more information about the media from TVbyGirls? Additional Workshops Email Updates Website Mailed Newsletter Not Interested Other

19 19 Results: Lasting Impact  “I still think about the things I learned from TVbyGirls.” 82% agree/strongly agree  “I feel the information has been valuable.” 86% agree/strongly agree

20 20 Results  Do the TVbyGirls workshops have a lasting impact on the media literacy skills of its participants? YES

21 21 Key Observations  Program has been successful Girls still think about what they learned They continue to identify stereotypes and unrealistic images Want to learn more from TVbyGirls

22 22 Recommendations  Continue to look for ways to optimize cultural relevancy  Work with schools to minimize duplication and differentiate TVbyGirls  Provide more workshops and online information

23 23 Questions?

24 24 “ TVbyGirls had an extremely positive effect on me, it will be a part of me for the rest of my life.” -- Respondent

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