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This is a type of diabetes that some women get during pregnancy. Between 2 and 10 percent of expectant mothers develop this condition, making it one of.

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2 This is a type of diabetes that some women get during pregnancy. Between 2 and 10 percent of expectant mothers develop this condition, making it one of the most common health problems of pregnancy.

3 How will I know if I have gestational diabetes? *Pregnancy Weight Tracker Gestational diabetes usually has no symptoms. That's why almost all pregnant women have a glucose-screening test between 24 and 28 weeks. However, if you're at high risk for diabetes or are showing signs of it (such as having sugar in your urine), your caregiver will recommend this screening test at your first prenatal visit and then repeat the test again at 24 to 28 weeks if the initial result is negative. By the way, if you get a positive result on a glucose-screening test, it doesn't necessarily mean that you have gestational diabetes. It does mean that you'll need to take a longer follow-up test (a glucose tolerance test, or GTT) to find out.



6 What can I do to minimize related risks for my child through infancy and beyond? As mentioned earlier, do your best to keep your blood sugar levels in check during pregnancy. After birth, nurse your baby. There's evidence that breastfeeding has a positive effect on glucose metabolism and may help prevent childhood obesity and decrease your child's risk of diabetes, among other things. And because your child is at higher risk for childhood and adult obesity – as well as an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes – it's particularly important that you help him eat a healthy diet, maintain a normal weight, and stay physically active. Finally, be sure your child's healthcare practitioner knows that you had diabetes during pregnancy.

7 What can I do to minimize my risk of developing diabetes in the future? Keeping your weight down, making healthy food choices, and exercising regularly can help you ward off the disease. In addition, breastfeeding your baby may provide you with some protection. There's research suggesting an association between breastfeeding and increased postpartum weight loss, as well as a decreased risk of developing type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

8 Does having gestational diabetes put me at higher risk for diabetes in the future? Yes. About one-third to one-half of women who have gestational diabetes will have it again in a later pregnancy. And up to 50 percent of women with gestational diabetes will develop diabetes at some point in the future. Your risk is highest if any of the following apply to you:You're obese. (Your risk is 50 to 75 percent if you're obese and less than 25 percent if you are of normal weight.)You had very high blood sugar levels during pregnancy (especially if you needed medication).Your diabetes was diagnosed early in your pregnancy.The results of your postpartum glucose test were borderline (relatively high, but not high enough to classify you as a diabetic)

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