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Parallel Structure Wasnt Julius Caesars publicist a genius when he described Caesars victory with those words: He came, he saw, he conquered.

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Presentation on theme: "Parallel Structure Wasnt Julius Caesars publicist a genius when he described Caesars victory with those words: He came, he saw, he conquered."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parallel Structure Wasnt Julius Caesars publicist a genius when he described Caesars victory with those words: He came, he saw, he conquered.

2 Parallel Structure You create parallel structure in a sentence by using the same grammatical form to express equal, or parallel, ideas. For example, you pair a noun with a noun, a phrase with a phrase, a clause with a clause, and infinitive with an infinitive.

3 Parallel Structure Analyze In winter I usually like skiing and to skate. Correct In winter I usually like to ski and to skate.

4 Parallel Structure Analyze The company guaranteed that salaries would be increased and that working days would be shorter. Correct The company guaranteed that salaries would be increased and that working days would be shorter.

5 Parallel Structure Analyze To think logically is as important as calculating accurately. Correct Thinking logically is as important as calculating accurately.

6 Parallel Structure Analyze Einstein liked mathematical research more than to supervise a large laboratory. Correct Einstein liked mathematical research more than supervision of a large laboratory.

7 Parallel Structure Analyze With Ship of Fools, Katherine Anne Porter proved she was talented not only as a short- story writer but also in writing novels. Correct With Ship of Fools, Katherine Anne Porter proved she was talented not only as a short- story writer but also as a novelist.

8 Parallel Structure Analyze A President of the United States must not only represent his own political party but also the entire American people. Correct A President of the United States must represent not only his own political party but also the entire American people.

9 Parallel Structure Analyze Lindsey worked as a freelance business writer, and she also worked at writing short-stories. Correct Lindsey worked as a freelance business writer and as a short-story writer.

10 Hyperlink Login to link to Big Dogs Grammar dog/

11 Works Cited Alabama State Department of Education. Standard III: Objective 2 Use Internal Parallelism. Remediation Guide: Language Subject-Area Test Alabama High School Graduation Exam. Montgomery: Alabama State Department of Education: Student Assessment, 2004, 15. Kinneavy, James L, and John Warriner. Using Parallel Structure. Elements of Writing: Fifth Course. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1998, 512-514.

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