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. Family I have a mum called Rachel, a dad called Andy and a brother called Kieran. These are the people who I live with. Also, I have 3 aunties, 3 uncles,

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Presentation on theme: ". Family I have a mum called Rachel, a dad called Andy and a brother called Kieran. These are the people who I live with. Also, I have 3 aunties, 3 uncles,"— Presentation transcript:

1 . Family I have a mum called Rachel, a dad called Andy and a brother called Kieran. These are the people who I live with. Also, I have 3 aunties, 3 uncles, 4 cousins, 2 god mothers, 1 god father, 2 god sisters and 5 god brothers. I also have 1 nanny, 2 granddads and a grandma. I am the youngest in my family. I am extra close to my family because we love one another dearly.

2 Hobbies My hobbies are karate and Horse riding because I would like to Protect myself if someone comes to attack me, but I do absolutely love it because be are very nice there and I like it for fun. I also like Horse riding because I love animals and they are very caring animals And they are fun to ride on. I should think its in our jeans because my mum and Auntie did it too. Also every body there are lovely, caring, kind etc even the horses So I love it there its great.

3 Schools I have gone to 5 schools and they Were blue preschool (Felthorpe) Red preschool (Horsford) and Nursery. I Have also been to Horsford infant school and Horsford junior school and soon Helsdon high school

4 Pets I have 1 dog called Oscar 1 Cat called Charlie, 1 Hamster and 5 fish so far And I love all of them very Much.

5 My name: Chloe D.O.B. 2001 Where I was born: Norfolk and Norwich hospital. My first steps: 11 months old. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

6 Hello I am the moon.. Would you like me to tell you a little bit about my self. So hear we go, I am as tall as the Eiffel tower and as white as A4 paper. I smell of nothing. All I do is wonder around the world. This feels amazing to have that opportunity like. Some people are not as lucky like me. I am as round as a boiling ball. Also as rock hard as a rock basically. The sound of me is wosh wosh wosh wosh. I move like the clouds. I am as cold ice cube Also I taste plain as metal. I did this on the 1 st of April 2012 This is my school work from year 5.

7 This was me and my brother on holiday having fun on the slide. I was about 3 and Kieran was about 6 or 7.

8 Florence Nightingale is famous because, she helps all different people in the army and she had got recognised by people and Queen Victoria. Queen Victoria made her even more famous because the Queen gave Florence a red cross for a broach. So Florence became a famous nurse! Florence first started to work as a nurse in London then people round the world wanted her as there nurse and things were getting a lot worse in different places so she went for a little while when things settled down she came back to the hospital in London. Florence was born on the 12 th of may 1820 33 years later she became a nurse. Also she was training in London. Florence’s mum and dad were unhappy her becoming a nurse they wanted her to get married with the love of her life, but when she got recognised by the public and after that the Queen they became so proud of her and glad that she became a nurse. She stayed there while the Crimean war was still on and that lasted for three hole years then she went to Scutari to help even more solders and then went back home in London. Years and years and years later unfortunately she died in 1910 but we can remember her because all the nurses now Calibrate her on the 12 th of May

9 Friends EVERYONE !!!!! I LOVE THEM ALL AS FRIENDS !!!!! Everyone is my friend because everyone is kind and caring and loving and lots and lots of things, it would take for ever for me to right good things about them because they are brilliant people.

10 My hair is as blond as sand and my eyes are as blue as the sky, and my smile is as big as the sun. I personally think that my hands are small and my feet are normal size my left foot is 3 and a half and my right foot is a size 3 So there quite different at the moment. He He.


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