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Team “Canard” September 19th, 2006

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1 Team “Canard” September 19th, 2006
Aerodynamics 1 QDR Team “Canard” September 19th, 2006

2 Overview Aircraft Geometry: Aerodynamic Mathematical Model: Summary
- Airfoil selection for wing and tail - Wing and tail configuration - Aspect ratio and wetted area - 3-View drawing Aerodynamic Mathematical Model: - CL - CD - CLMax Summary AAE 451 Team 1

3 Preliminary Airfoil Selection
Wing Airfoil: - Looked at pylon racers - MH 43 common airfoil - Low Reynolds number airfoil Tail Airfoil: - NACA 0009 common in tail surfaces - Thin, lower induced and parasite drag MH 43 NACA 0009 AAE 451 Team 1

4 Wing Geometry METHOD Fixed thanks to historical data:
Aspect ratio = 10 Taper ratio = 0.45 To be determined: Sweep angle Dihedral angle Wing span AAE 451 Team 1

5 Wing Geometry Top View s a b Wing span = 6.45 ft
C a b s Swing = 4.16 ft2 Wing span = 6.45 ft Too much for structure Wing span = 6 ft Aspect ratio = 8.65 Sweep angle = = 9.3 degrees AAE 451 Team 1

6 Same airfoil all along the wing
Wing Geometry Front View d troot ttip Chordtip = 0.4 Chordroot ttip = 0.4 troot Same airfoil all along the wing From the airfoil section, we know : troot = Chordroot troot = ft ttip = Chordtip ttip = ft Dihedral angle = = 0.73 degrees AAE 451 Team 1

7 Tail Geometry Top View Horizontal tail : Vertical tail :
11.4 deg Taper ratio : 0.6 Aspect ratio : 10 Sweep angle : 11.4 deg No dihedral 0.47 ft Shtail = 0.36 ft2 0.28 ft 1.88 ft Swing = 4.16 ft2 AAC = 0.65 ft D = 2.25 ft with Vertical tail : 0.7 ft 0.65 ft Degrees of freedom on the size for control and stability AAE 451 Team 1

8 Wing and Tail Geometry Wing Horizontal Tail Span 6 ft 1.88 ft
Sweep Angle 9.3° 11.4° Taper Ratio 0.45 0.6 Dihedral Angle 0.73° AAE 451 Team 1

9 Aircraft Wetted Area (Historical data) AAE 451 Team 1

10 Aircraft Wetted Area Fuselage wetted area estimate :
Wing/tail wetted area estimate : Fuselage : Swet-fuselage = 2.88 ft2 Wing : Sexposed-wing = 3.92 ft2 Swet-wing = 7.92 ft2 Horizontal tail : Sexposed-htail = 0.33 ft2 Swet-htail = 0.67 ft2 Vertical tail : Sexposed-vtail = ft2 Swet-vtail = 0.39 ft2 AAE 451 Team 1

11 3-View Drawing AAE 451 Team 1

12 Mathematical Model CL: - CD: CLMax: - CL at αstall AAE 451 Team 1

13 Mathematical Model 2D Estimation from XFOIL 2D Coefficients
Clo = 0.151 Clα = 0.104/° Clmax = 1.082 AAE 451 Team 1

14 Mathematical Model 2D Estimation Cont… 2D Drag Coefficients
Cdo = AAE 451 Team 1

15 2D to 3D Calculations Find CL from lifting line : Find e : Find k :
Find CD for 3D : Find CDo : AAE 451 Team 1

16 2D/3D Comparison 2D plotted in blue 3D plotted in red AAE 451 Team 1

17 Summery Aircraft Geometry: Aerodynamic Mathematical Model:
- Airfoil selection for wing and tail - Wing and tail configuration - Aspect ratio and wetted area - 3-View drawing Aerodynamic Mathematical Model: - CL - CD - CLMax AAE 451 Team 1

18 Questions Any Questions? AAE 451 Team 1

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