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Consultation on possible changes to Community School Admission Criteria Consultation on possible changes to Community School Admission Criteria Adam Wells.

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Presentation on theme: "Consultation on possible changes to Community School Admission Criteria Consultation on possible changes to Community School Admission Criteria Adam Wells."— Presentation transcript:

1 Consultation on possible changes to Community School Admission Criteria Consultation on possible changes to Community School Admission Criteria Adam Wells – Head of Pupil Services

2 Consultation on possible changes to Community School Admission Criteria 2 Why considering changes?  Acute pressure on primary school places  Many existing schools expanded and four new academies or free schools opened or opening.  Must ensure the ongoing availability of places  Equity of opportunity to access those places for local families  Looking at changes to sibling priority criterion

3 Consultation on possible changes to Community School Admission Criteria 3 Proposed Change  Currently siblings granted priority regardless of current address.  Number of options considered.  Council proposing that sibling priority restricted to those children living within 800 metres of the school.  Balance between maintaining a family link for families with children at school and ensuring as far as possible that there are places available for families at their local school.

4 Consultation on possible changes to Community School Admission Criteria Proposed Change (Cont’d) 4  800 metres is the average threshold distance for oversubscribed community and foundation schools and academies over last two years.  Retains a link for families who have remained within the proximity of the school whilst still freeing up some places for local families.  Those living over 800 metres would still be considered for a place under other oversubscription criteria.

5 Consultation on possible changes to Community School Admission Criteria 2014 Admissions Round 5  3224 resident applicants plus 342 out of borough applicants for Wandsworth schools.  10,701 preferences.  1,136 offered place on sibling priority  712 at community schools, foundation schools, free schools or academies.  174 lived over 800 metres.  Represent 6% of places offered as a preference.  88 would have been offered a place in any case.

6 Consultation on possible changes to Community School Admission Criteria Who would be disadvantaged? 6  Reduced likelihood of being offered a place for: - families who have moved away; - could include those repossessed, evicted or needing to move to a larger property; - some families who have not moved but the catchment area has reduced or the first child was admitted as an in year admission.

7 Consultation on possible changes to Community School Admission Criteria Schools Affected? 7  Consulting on a possible change for community schools only at the moment.  If the Council decides to proceed with changes then may recommend to academies, foundation schools, free schools and VA schools to make similar changes.  Decision for these schools rests with governing body or academy trust.  Not proposed to make changes for community schools with priority areas.

8 Consultation on possible changes to Community School Admission Criteria Consultation details 8  Consulting with headteachers, governors, parents of children at Wandsworth schools and early years providers, local residents, the diocesan authorities and other local stakeholders.  Initial non-statutory consultation seeking views on whether felt change is needed, the proposed change and any other comments/suggestions consultees may have.  Consultation will launch in next few days.  Online Response.  Closes Friday 24 th October.

9 Consultation on possible changes to Community School Admission Criteria What next? 9  The Council will consider all the responses to the consultation.  If it decided to make changes to the current admissions policy, there will be a further statutory consultation on the specific proposed changes from early December.  The Council would then decide formally in February.  The earliest the changes could be introduced would be for September 2016 entry.

10 Consultation on possible changes to Community School Admission Criteria Further information 10 Online consultation – URL to be confirmed Adam Wells Email: Tel: 020 8871 8028 Pupil Services Email: Tel: 020 8871 7316. QUESTIONS?

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