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PRESENTATION OF THE REGIONES BASILICATA by Antonio Di Stefano Kick off meeting project GRIP_IT 15th of november Hradec Kralove.

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Presentation on theme: "PRESENTATION OF THE REGIONES BASILICATA by Antonio Di Stefano Kick off meeting project GRIP_IT 15th of november Hradec Kralove."— Presentation transcript:

1 PRESENTATION OF THE REGIONES BASILICATA by Antonio Di Stefano Kick off meeting project GRIP_IT 15th of november Hradec Kralove

2 Basilicata Region (TIP areas in colors)

3  Area: 9,992 sq Km 3.3% of the national territory  Population: 596,000 Inh. 1% of the national population  Density: 60 inhabitants per sq.Km (the Italian average is 190)  131 municipalities (only 12 > 10,000 inhabitants)  30% of the Basilicata is a natural protected area BASILICATA: population and territory

4 Basilicata Economy. Some elements Sectoral contribution to value added (% breakdown) Sectors Agriculture 6,5 Industry 19,5 Building 8,5 Wholesale and retail trade 14,0 Services 51,5 GDP€ 15.400,00 GDP /per capita: approx 76% of EU average 25

5 Por Basilicata in a nut shell ONE Regional Operational programme EU SF : ERDF, ESF and EAGGF 6 priorities : 1. Natural resources 6 measures 2. Cultural resources 1 measure 3. Human resources 15 measures 4. Productive systems 18 measures 5. Urban systems 2 measures 6. Transport and communication 2 measures 7. TA one measure Financial allocation: 1.6 billions of euro planned 40% for Integrated projects Till now 20 % committed for them

6 Integrated Projects in Basilicata Sectorial: -Basitel (Development of information society, comunication and net services for Public Adminstration) -Basint (Integrated project for internationalisation) Territorial: -PISU (Urban development integrated project) 2 -PIT (Territorial integrated projects) 8

7 Thank you for your attention! Antonio Di Stefano Regione Basilicata

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