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1 Research Methodology Model. 2 Hypothesis a prediction of what is the case (fact) based on theory Conclusions Observation (s): Phenomena; Problem (Tree)

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Presentation on theme: "1 Research Methodology Model. 2 Hypothesis a prediction of what is the case (fact) based on theory Conclusions Observation (s): Phenomena; Problem (Tree)"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Research Methodology Model

2 2 Hypothesis a prediction of what is the case (fact) based on theory Conclusions Observation (s): Phenomena; Problem (Tree) Researchable Questions Pre-Hypothesis (Ho, H1) X Research Design -Sample size and distribution -Data Collection: Qualitative and Quantitative methods -Analysis Tools Research Methodology Testing: a comparison of hypothesis to what is the case Induction: makes generalizations based on a number of observations Theory: an integrated set of principles that explain and predict facts Summarize large amounts of data Predict relationships between variables Application to many different phenomena (generalizability) Generate additional research by suggesting novel relationships (new hypotheses) Apply research to practical problems (utility) Deduction: move from premises which are assumed to be true, to conclusions, which must be true if the premises are true.premises conclusions

3 3 Research problem statement template Template: This study will investigate the effects of (treatment) on (population). The investigation will be conducted (describe the setting). The present study, within the context of (the setting), will be concerned with the following research questions: Does the procedure of (treatment) have (performance change) difference on (the experimental population) as compared to (the control population)? Does the method of (treatment) - (restate method of treatment) - affect (population)? Hypothesis 1: (Relate back to research question number 1). Hypothesis 2: (Relate back to research question number 2).

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