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MEDIEVAL PERIOD GROUP FOUR Kaitlyn Chance Jack Obrien Ryan Walters Michael Mannering David Hestera.

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Presentation on theme: "MEDIEVAL PERIOD GROUP FOUR Kaitlyn Chance Jack Obrien Ryan Walters Michael Mannering David Hestera."— Presentation transcript:

1 MEDIEVAL PERIOD GROUP FOUR Kaitlyn Chance Jack Obrien Ryan Walters Michael Mannering David Hestera

2 HOW DID HENRY II CHANGE ENGLAND’S JUDICIAL SYSTEM?  Henry II set up royal court, systems of English juries and formed the common law

3 WHAT WAS THE MAGNA CARTA AND WHY WAS IT SIGNIFICANT?  A document agreement between the king and the barons, limiting the kings power and giving the barons more power.  It was significant because it set them up for a democracy.

4 WHAT WAS THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE HUNDRED YEARS’ WAR? BLACK DEATH? WARS OF ROSES?  Those events led to the weakness of England because they lost most of their French possessions in the 100 year war, half of their population to the black death, and they were divided between two powers; house of Lancaster (red rose) and house of York (white rose)

5 WHAT IS FEUDALISM?  Feudalism is a political and economic system that William the conqueror introduced into England where the king owns all the land and splits it up for himself, the church and the barons. Feudalism chain of command; peasants led by the barons- barons led by the king.

6 WHAT FACTORS WOULD BE LIKELY TO CONTRIBUTE TO CONFLICT BETWEEN THE MONARCHY AND THE CHURCH?  The churched tremendous power including the ability to levy taxes, make its own laws, run its own courts and excommunication of kings and noble men (banning them from the church)  This led to a betrayal of king henry by a friend who favored the churched interest more than the crown.

7 IS CHIVALRY DEAD? EXPLAIN  Chivalry is dead between men and women. There are no romantic heroes anymore and couples are not entertained by music and tales of king Arthur. None of the “voice from the times” are still in effect.

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