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Making Consumer Choices

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1 Making Consumer Choices
What information do you need before you make a decision regarding health care products and services?

2 Lesson Objectives In this lesson, you’ll learn to:
Identify the factors that influence consumer decisions about health care products and services. Analyze the health messages delivered through advertising in the media. Demonstrate ways to utilize criteria to evaluate health products for appropriateness.

3 Being an Informed Health Consumer
To become an informed health consumer, you need to: Learn about available health products and services. Understand how to judge their effectiveness and reliability.

4 Influences on Your Decisions
Factors Influencing Your Decisions Internal Factors External Factors Opinions of family members and friends Cost Media Habit Personal taste

5 Influences on Your Decisions
Media and Advertising Many health products and services are promoted through advertising. Advertisements make you want to buy the featured product. By analyzing the messages hidden in ads for health products, you can make a better-informed purchasing decision.

6 Influences on Your Decisions
Hidden Messages in Advertising

7 Influences on Your Decisions
Comparing Choices You can make wise purchasing decisions through comparison shopping. Some criteria to consider as you evaluate products and services: Cost Features Quality Warranty Safety Recommendations

8 Influences on Your Decisions
Product Labels One way to compare two similar products is to read their labels.

9 Your Rights as a Consumer
Consumer Rights The right to safety The right to choose The right to be informed The right to be heard The right to have problems corrected The right to consumer education

10 Today’s Consumer Choices
Online Shopping Some points to consider when shopping online: Price: Online sources sometimes offer lower prices. However, some of these savings may be lost by the added cost of shipping. Convenience: Items are delivered directly to the home. For many people this convenience outweighs the potential problem of repackaging and mailing items that may need to be returned. Product information: Online descriptions provide only limited information about a product.

11 Today’s Consumer Choices
Safeguards When Shopping Online Consider the following safeguards: Get permission from your parents or guardians. Make sure that the site is secure. Check the organization's return policy. Write down any purchase related information.

12 Q. The method of judging benefits of
Quick Review Choose the appropriate option. Q. The method of judging benefits of different products by comparing several similar factors for each one is known as ______. online shopping 2. advertising comparison shopping 4. media

13 A. The method of judging benefits of different products
Quick Review - Answer A. The method of judging benefits of different products by comparing several similar factors for each one is known as comparison shopping. Click Next to attempt another question.

14 Quick Review Choose the appropriate option. Q. A ________ is a company’s or a store’s written agreement to repair a product or refund your money should the product not function properly. receipt 2. warranty marketing policy 4. license

15 A. A warranty is a company’s or a store’s written agreement
Quick Review - Answer A. A warranty is a company’s or a store’s written agreement to repair a product or refund your money should the product not function properly. Click Next to attempt another question.

16 Q. List three safeguards you should consider when shopping
Quick Review Provide a short answer to the question given below. Q. List three safeguards you should consider when shopping online. Click Next to view the answer.

17 A. Some safeguards you should consider before shopping
Quick Review - Answer A. Some safeguards you should consider before shopping online are: Get permission from your parents or guardians. Make sure that the site is secure. Check the organization’s return policy. Write down any information related to your purchase. Click Next to attempt another question.

18 Quick Review Analyze and evaluate.
Demonstrate ways to use criteria to evaluate health products for appropriateness: What factors would you consider when deciding which of two bicycle helmets to buy? List the factors in order of importance.

19 Influences on Your Decisions
Safety Considerations Safety considerations should be foremost in your mind when choosing sports, recreation, or home-safety products. Logos to look for on any product or equipment you are thinking of buying: Underwriters Laboratory (UL) Snell American National Standards Institute (ANSI)

20 Being an Informed Health Consumer
To become an informed health consumer, you need to: Learn about available health products and services. Understand how to judge their effectiveness and reliability. A health consumer is anyone who purchases or uses health products or services.

21 Influences on Your Decisions
Factors Influencing Your Decisions Internal Factors External Factors Opinions of family members and friends Cost Media Habit Personal taste Media refers to the various methods of communicating information.

22 Influences on Your Decisions
Media and Advertising Many health products and services are promoted through advertising. Advertisements make you want to buy the featured product. By analyzing the messages hidden in ads for health products, you can make a better-informed purchasing decision. Advertising is a written or spoken media message designed to interest consumers in purchasing a product or service.

23 Influences on Your Decisions
Comparing Choices You can make wise purchasing decisions through comparison shopping. Some criteria to consider as you evaluate products and services: Cost Features Quality Warranty Safety Recommendations Comparison shopping is a method of judging the benefits of different products by comparing several factors, such as quality, features, and cost.

24 Influences on Your Decisions
Comparing Choices You can make wise purchasing decisions through comparison shopping. Some criteria to consider as you evaluate products and services: Cost Features Quality Warranty Safety Recommendations A warranty is a company’s or a store’s written agreement to repair a product or refund your money should the product not function properly.

25 Today’s Consumer Choices
Online Shopping Some points to consider when shopping online: Price: Online sources sometimes offer lower prices. However, some of these savings may be lost by the added cost of shipping. Convenience: Items are delivered directly to the home. For many people this convenience outweighs the potential problem of repackaging and mailing items that may need to be returned. Product information: Online descriptions provide only limited information about a product. Online shopping involves using the Internet to buy products and services.

26 A. Correct! The method of judging benefits of different
Quick Review - Answer A. Correct! The method of judging benefits of different products by comparing several similar factors for each one is known as comparison shopping. Click Next to attempt another question.

27 A. Correct! A warranty is a company’s or a store’s written
Quick Review - Answer A. Correct! A warranty is a company’s or a store’s written agreement to repair a product or refund your money should the product not function properly. Click Next to attempt another question.

28 Quick Review - Answer You have answered the question incorrectly. Go back to try again, or click Next to view the correct answer.

29 Quick Review - Answer You have answered the question incorrectly. Go back to try again, or click Next to view the correct answer.

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