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Muscular System. Muscle tissue has one essential function -- Contraction As a result, muscles are responsible for nearly all of the body’s movement and.

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Presentation on theme: "Muscular System. Muscle tissue has one essential function -- Contraction As a result, muscles are responsible for nearly all of the body’s movement and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Muscular System

2 Muscle tissue has one essential function -- Contraction As a result, muscles are responsible for nearly all of the body’s movement and can be viewed as the machines of the body.

3 Muscle tissue Because all muscle cells are elongated, regardless of type, they are called muscle fibers

4 Muscle Types There are 3 types of Muscle tissue Skeletal Cardiac Smooth

5 Skeletal Muscle Fibers Skeletal muscle fibers are packaged into the tissues called skeletal muscles that attach to the body’s skeleton. They are always cigar shaped, multinucleate, and the largest muscle fibers in the body

6 Skeletal Muscle Skeletal muscle can also be referred to as striated muscle and voluntary muscles Striated muscle because of the large stripes that it has Voluntary muscle because it is the only muscle tissue that we can control consciously.

7 Gross Anatomy of Skeletal muscle Skeletal muscle fibers are very delicate but they can exert a large amount of force when needed This is because of the way they are held together with various types of connective tissue

8 On the outside of every muscle fiber is a delicate connective tissue called Endomysium Several of these fibers are then bundled together by a connective tissue called Perimysium.

9 The bundle of Perimysium wrapped together is called a fassicle Many fassicles are then wrapped together to and bound by Epimysium Lastly the muscle group is then bound to the bone via strong connective tissue called a tendon.

10 Tendons Tendons are just as important as your muscles when looking at the muscular system Tendons are responsible for anchoring all muscles to the proper bony projections, usually near joints. Because tendons are relatively small in size compared to the muscular counterpart, more can fit near a joint area

11 Smooth Muscle Smooth muscle has no striations It is involuntarily controlled Found in the visceral organs of the body like the stomach, intestines, and esophagus. Main function is to propel substances through the body along a definite path

12 Cardiac Muscle Cardiac muscle is found only in one place in the body, the heart Cardiac muscle is striated. Cardiac muscle is involuntary.

13 Muscle Functions The muscles of the body play four important roles: Produces Movement Maintains Posture Stabilizes Joints Generates Heat

14 Producing Movement Just about all movements of the body are a result of muscular contraction There are several types of movement that muscles are responsible for: Locomotion, Manipulation, and moving nutrients and fluids though the human body.

15 Maintaining Posture The muscles of the body are responsible for our body’s posture They are constantly making tiny adjustments so that we can sit up, lie down, or stand the way that we choose too.

16 Joint Stabilization Muscles aid in the stabilization of the joints of the skeletal system The tendons specifically are key in stabilizing these joints

17 Generation of heat Heat is a by product of muscle movement Your skeletal muscles make up approximately 40% of your body mass Thus, your skeletal muscles help maintain your normal body temperature of 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit.

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