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French Revolutionary Wars Conflict from within and without.

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1 French Revolutionary Wars Conflict from within and without

2 Context of the Wars-Changing Alliances Austria, England and France had been, traditionally the three great powers of Europe. Interests had alligned the first two against the third. Austria had come into conflict with France over the Netherlands. England feared France on the sea. Rivalry of power and commerce dictated the relationship. Spain was allied with France since the prince belonged to the House of Bourbon. France had other allies, Poland, Sweden, Prussia and Naples. Switzerland, and Piedmont, varied their alliances, according to circumstances. The rise in the north of two powers, Russia and Prussia, made more assertive through, Catherine the Great and Frederick the Great, changed the ancient alliances. Alliances were reformed with England, Russia, Holland, Austria and Prussia signed pacts. This left the powers free to turn their attention to the French Revolution, with France now considered the common foe


4 Prussia Monarchy Frederick William 11 Allied with Austria England Monarchy; George 111 Allied with Russia The First Coalition Austria &Holy Roman Empire; Monarchy; Leopold 11, brother of Marie Antoinette, followed by Joseph 11

5 Emigres seek support

6 Padua Circular Even after the aborted flight of the royal family in June 1791, Emperor Leopold von Habsburg of Austria, brother of Marie Antoinette, continued his efforts to organize a coalition of French émigré nobles and other European powers that would invade France and put an end to the Revolution. In this letter, written shortly after the forced return of Louis and Marie Antoinette to Paris (which Leopold considered their "arrest"), he proposes an alliance of Austria, Prussia, Britain, Spain, Russia, and other forces against the French Revolution and sets forth the principles for which this alliance would fight—most notably, the restoration of Louis to his full pre–1789 powers.

7 Declaration of Pillnitz August 1791 In response to the "Padua Circular," King Louis’s brother, the Count of Artois, a leader of the émigré nobles, expressed his support for Emperor Leopold II of Austria. Leopold, in conjunction with Prussian King Frederick–William III, then issued this "Declaration of Pillnitz"; the "resolution to act quickly" was perceived as a declaration of war on France for the purpose of ending the Revolution, even though neither Austria nor Prussia was displeased by French weakness “Their Majesties, the Emperor and the King of Prussia, having heard the wishes and representations of Monsieur, the Count of Artois, jointly declare that they view the situation in which the King of France currently finds himself as a subject of common interest for all of Europe's sovereigns. They hope that this interest can not fail to be recognized by the powers from whom assistance is being requested. Consequently, jointly with their respective Majesties, they will use the most efficient means in relation to their strengths to place the King of France in a position to be totally free to consolidate the bases of a monarchical government that shall be as amenable to the rights of sovereigns as it is to the well-being of the French nation. In this case then, their said Majesties, the Emperor and the King of Prussia are resolved to act quickly, in mutual agreement, and with the forces necessary to achieve the proposed and common goal. Meanwhile, they shall issue their troops the necessary orders to prepare them for action”

8 Internal faction in the French Assembly Some groups in France already favoured war. The Girondins, the leading section in the Legislative Assembly, felt that war would make the Revolution a patriotic cause.( Robespierre voted against the war The Royalists saw an opportunity for counter revolution When Austria ignored a french demand to expel the emigres, France declared war on April 20 1792

9 Brunswick Manifesto Read the document and analyze the content as well as the tone. What reaction do you think this would have produced amongst the various factions?

10 Action and Reaction The Brunswick threat prompted a Jacobin uprising in Paris. Early in August, the Assembly yielded, suspended the monarchy and decreed a new government, the National Convention

11 Duke of Brunswick vs Dumouriez


13 Linear Formations and Artillery Fire-a battle of attrition

14 Describe the style and tactics of warfare from this source

15 Battle of Varoux

16 The 18 th century saw the addition of bayonets to the muskets, making armies more efficient in attack. The close range sword combat was being replaced by the more effective long range artillery fire.

17 "From this place and from this day forth commences a new era in the world's history..." Johann W. Goethe, on the Battle of Valmy Why do you think Goethe made this statement? Significance

18 “All hopes of crushing the Revolutionary armies, and of the promenade to Paris, had now vanished, though Brunswick lingered long in the Argonne, till distress and sickness wasted away his once splendid force, and finally but a mere wreck of it re crossed the frontier. France, meanwhile, felt that she possessed a giant's strength, and like a giant did she use it. Before the close of that year all Belgium obeyed the National Convention at Paris, and the kings of Europe, after the lapse of eighteen centuries, trembled once more before a conquering military republic. “ Edward Shephard Creasy

19 “And yet the abortive battle would have far-reaching implications, for in prevailing against the vaunted might of the Austro-Prussian army the French experienced the first stirrings of an intense national pride that would eventually carry them to victory after victory and ultimately change the nature of warfare. No longer undertaken on behalf of ruling elites, in time to come wars would be waged by increasingly massive national armies (largely on the French model) expressive of the will of whole societies. Above all, perhaps, the style of warfare in which commanders such as Brunswick sought to outmaneuver their opponents in lieu of actually defeating them by force of arms would become a thing of the past. Inspired by the same powerful forces that had given rise to the Revolution, the French would soon set a new standard for offensive warfare in which the spirit of the attack, would dominate.”

20 September Massacres External threat; Internal revolt Read the London Times Article on the massacres and rewrite it from a French viewpoint

21 The King’s response NOV 9 1791 Assembly orders all emigres to return on pain of death King vetoes Assembly ruling Nov 29 Decree of Assembly against priests refusing to swear oaths to the state King Vetoes Assembly April 20 1792 War of the First Coalition August 10 Storming of the Tuileries. King and family imprisoned September 20 French defeat Prussians at Valmy September 21 Convention votes unanimously to abolish monarchy Why did Louis have to die?????

22 Execution of Louis XV1 Why had Louis’s execution become necessary?

23 Phases of the French Revolution

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