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 TD is a consultation and collaboration between the classroom teachers and TD Teacher.  Gifted students are gifted all week, not just 90 minutes per.

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2  TD is a consultation and collaboration between the classroom teachers and TD Teacher.  Gifted students are gifted all week, not just 90 minutes per week. “TD” happens throughout the day, not just when I am in the room.  Classroom teachers differentiate to meet the needs of the gifted students. If you have additional questions, please ask your classroom teachers.

3  TD teacher plans with and provides activities for the classroom teacher  TD teacher comes into the classroom and works with some or all of the students  TD teacher pulls students out of the classroom to work directly with them  TD teachers test all second graders, new to CMS, as well as re-test students in fourth or fifth grade


5  September › 2 nd Grade Cogat Testing for all students  October › 2 nd Grade ITBS testing for those who qualify  November / December › New to CMS students 3 rd, 4 th and 5 th › 4 th or 5 th graders who need to be re-tested › Portfolio students in 2 nd grade  February / March › Reviewing Portfolios for district › New to CMS 2 nd graders Cogat testing

6  All TD certified and catalyst students are in heterogeneously mixed classes and will be receiving TD services through activities and lessons.  When a student does not see me face to face, it does not mean they are not getting “TD” services. TD is more than just my teaching them face to face.  I will assist the classroom teachers as they differentiate Math and Literacy to meet the needs of all students.

7  This literacy program is scheduled for every grade in the school. We will be incorporating the following: Balanced Literacy will include : › Jacob’s Ladder › William and Mary for gifted readers › Novel studies “Book Clubs” › Researching with Cornell Note Taking › Junior Great Books › Paideia › Student Choice in self selection of books and projects › Skill based grouping using assessment data

8  5 t h Grade › Literacy 5 days (Keville and Greco) › Math 2 days (Ponder and Greco)  4 th Grade › Literacy 4 days › Math 2 days – pull out


10  Completed annually for each child identified as TD  Indicates Classroom Strategies  Located in the child’s cumulative folder in the main office

11  A form will be sent home with each child at the close of the school year with the student’s report card.  The performance form makes the parent aware of their child’s performance using the TD standards.

12  Math Olympiads (4th and 5th Grade)  Science Olympiads (4 th and 5th Grade)  William and Mary Curriculum  Jacob’s Ladder  Junior Great Books  3 rd Grade Mathapalooza in February  Lego Robotics  Duke TIP

13  If you have specific questions or concerns about your child, please write them down on an index card and place them in the basket.  Many concerns parents have about the TD program involve testing data. That data needs to remain confidential. To be assured all students’ privacy is respected I will respond to each question or concern in a less public, more private forum.

14  School Phone – 980-343-5436 before 8am or after 3pm  Email – 24 hours a day  Website

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