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Explorer and Innovator Parent Information Night Kathy Whitlock 945-5700 January 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Explorer and Innovator Parent Information Night Kathy Whitlock 945-5700 January 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Explorer and Innovator Parent Information Night Kathy Whitlock 945-5700 January 2015

2 Classes  Explorers (Grades K-2, retested at the end of second grade)  Innovators (TAG Grades 3-5)  Challengers (Not pulled by me, receive enrichment through classroom teacher- Grades 3-5)

3 Schedule  Every week  Monday- 2 nd grade Explorers  Tuesday- 3 rd grade TAG  Wednesday- 4 th grade TAG  Thursday- 5 th grade TAG  Friday am-1 st grade Explorers, 2 ½ hours  Friday pm- Kindergarten Explorers 1 ½ hours

4 Testing  Once a year for each grade level  No TAG Pull-out during testing weeks  New referrals grades K-5 were tested December 1st-18th  2 nd Grade Explorer reassessment will be during class in May  We use three criteria for testing- a cognitive abilities test, an academic achievement test, and referral rating scales from teachers and parents.

5 Curriculum  Logic, critical and creative thinking, algebra readiness  Word study (Grades 3-5- SAT words, Greek and Latin roots)  Power Hour- students have the opportunity to demonstrate skills in self-directed learning, thinking, research and communication with the goal of development of advanced-level products and performances  Habits of Mind- social/emotional skills (Instant Challenges, Common Thread)  Humanities  1 st - Early American settlements  2 nd - Ancient Greece  3 rd - Settlement of Mexico  4 th - Ancient Rome  5 th - Feudal system and Renaissance

6 In my class  Hard work is expected.  Students do not receive grades for Explorers/TAG, but will bring home an Explorers/ TAG semester report.  Students are not responsible for classwork missed during TAG time, but are responsible for tests and homework.  Students are expected to complete classwork and assignments to leave for TAG (Students should not have missing work).  Gifted students have the opportunity to work with other gifted students.  One way students receive instruction is through using Sandra Kaplan’s Depth & Complexity strategies.

7 In the homeroom classes  Students have the opportunity to receive gifted services in the four core subject areas (language arts, science, math, social studies) when needed through differentiation.  Your child’s teacher documents differentiation in his/her lesson plans.  You can ask your child’s teacher how your child is receiving differentiation.

8 Parent Center  Your child may have an “E” listed for an assignment on their Explorer/TAG day. This means that the student has been excused from this assignment they missed.  Your child’s grade book entries may be different from their classmates, because they may “test out of” an assignment or be given an alternate assignment.

9 Communication  Pertinent information is shared on the class website “For Parents” section.  Events are listed on the website calendar.  Monthly newsletter  Parent Advisory Council  Email is the quickest mode of communication, but I will return phone calls as soon as possible.  Join remind for updates! Code: 81010, text subject @rmet.

10 Parents can be involved as… …Experts in your field Presenters Contacts for students …Parent Advisory Council members Campus level District level …Volunteers … participants in the annual program survey

11 JISD’s GT Program  You can learn more about our services by reading “Gifted and Talented Education Program: Parent Guide to Program Options” found on my class website.  The guide explains the nomination process, furloughs, reassessment, exit from services, transfers, appeals, non-English speaking services, and other important data.  Nominations are open to all students.

12 Acceleration  Your child can be tested to skip a grade. For information about this, contact our counselor, Janae Patterson, at  Beyond elementary, acceleration options are available through Credit by Examination and Early High School Graduation.

13 Beyond Elementary  Middle school offers Pre-AP classes and TAG classes. Both are advanced and offer higher grade points than regular academics. TAG classes offer more grade points than Pre-AP.


15 Q & A  Do you have any questions, concerns?

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