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Evaluating Web Resources Hosted by Lee Anne Morris.

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Presentation on theme: "Evaluating Web Resources Hosted by Lee Anne Morris."— Presentation transcript:

1 Evaluating Web Resources Hosted by Lee Anne Morris

2 Getting Started Please turn off microphones to avoid feedback. Please use the text chat window to post comments and questions at any point. It’s OK to “talk.” - let’s practice Type what you teach and grade/level Everybody raise your hand Ask me if I am recording this ?! Use the link in the upper right corner to “maximize” your screen for a larger view if you need to. You will have access to the internet resources, this PowerPoint, and a recording of this training within the next few days. More info when we finish.

3 Why THIS Class? Why are you here? Concerns? Challenges? What’s missing for you?

4 Evaluating Web Resources? The ability to assess the credibility and accuracy of a source. New language – new punctuation – new attitude How do you teach common sense? The eyeball test – Does it LOOK scholarly? Does anything bother you?

5 Common Core State Standard Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources, assess the credibility and accuracy of each source, and integrate the information while avoiding plagiarism; Are you modeling for your students? Are you providing opportunities to practice? November Learning – Why More Schools Aren’t Teaching Web LiteracyWhy More Schools Aren’t Teaching Web Literacy

6 Identify Student Habits – Ummm... Who’s Habits? Rely too much on one search engine, such as Google Rarely question the reliability of information online Can’t distinguish between marketing, entertainment, and valid information. Browsing at the expense of thinking Focus on broad concepts rather than specific tools to conduct a search. Expect magic to happen!

7 How Web Literate Are You? 1. List 4 major search engines and a major directory. 2. What is a blog? 3. Why might you use quotation marks when conducting a search? 4. URL is an acronym for… 5. Identify three Boolean search terms. 6. How do you find the owner or publisher of a website? 7. Identify these extensions and what they 8. How do you find out who is linked to your school’s website? 9. What clues in a Web address might indicate you are on a personal website? Answers: educators/information-literacy-resources/2-information-literacy- quiz-answer-key/ educators/information-literacy-resources/2-information-literacy- quiz-answer-key/

8 CAPOW! Currency Authority Purpose Objectivity Writing Style

9 Currency

10 Authority

11 Purpose

12 Objectivity

13 Writing Style

14 Let’s Talk Strategies Awareness of where to get good information Purposeful Searching & Evaluating Organization & Collaboration Sharing & Making Sense of Information

15 Where’s the good information, then? Google Scholar Library – Databases, Research GuidesResearch Guides Specialized search engines What about Wikipedia? What about other Primary Resources?

16 Purposeful Searching & Evaluating Advanced search techniques and strategies to narrow the scope and raise the quality of information. Basic Internet Search Techniques – The Eighth Floor, Apr 10 th Internet Detective online tutorial Google Search Education : Alan November – Information Literacy Resources: educators/information-literacy-resources/ educators/information-literacy-resources/ Ask the “What do you think?” questions instead of the “What’s the answer?” questions. Think about the topic before searching – 20 Questions

17 Effective Organization & Collaboration Being able to organize a personal library. Social Bookmarking – Delicious, DiigoDeliciousDiigo Global access Make notes and comments Categorize/tag Share with class/groups/etc. Can use theses sites like a search engine – much more productive than Google or Yahoo.

18 Sharing & Making Sense of Information Sharing what you find and what you learn Social Media Sharing interests Create learning groups Expand resources Connect to experts Class Twitter account? Facebook? YouTube?

19 So what did we just say... ? Currency Timeliness - copyright, updates, Authority Who’s the author? Can you verify? Contact? Compare? Published by? Endorsed by? Funded by? Linked to? Purpose What are they there to do – really? Objectivity Clear Bias? (Corp, Group, ads, “look alike”) Acknowledge opposition. Writing Does the quality of this site say “credible”?

20 Train the Eye Prepare students for uncertainty. Prepare students to ask questions, make decisions, and use search techniques to improve the quality of information.... Google won’t do this for ya! The burden of evaluation is on the user – you and your students. Provide examples, checklists, opportunities to practice.

21 This and More Information Where to Find this PowerPoint and a recording of this SOL Training - Where to find most of the research I have done on this topic.

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