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Maria Rosaria Cataldo 11 gennaio 2006 Project: Grundtvig 2 Empowerment of disadvantage target groups members PON – COMPUTER SCIENCE FOR THE CITIZENSHIP.

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Presentation on theme: "Maria Rosaria Cataldo 11 gennaio 2006 Project: Grundtvig 2 Empowerment of disadvantage target groups members PON – COMPUTER SCIENCE FOR THE CITIZENSHIP."— Presentation transcript:

1 Maria Rosaria Cataldo 11 gennaio 2006 Project: Grundtvig 2 Empowerment of disadvantage target groups members PON – COMPUTER SCIENCE FOR THE CITIZENSHIP

2 Maria Rosaria Cataldo 11 gennaio 2006 Motivation Project: Grundtvig 2 – Empowerment of disadvantage target groups members Today and future’s society is and will be the society of knowledge: To every man must be given the opportunity of a permanent formation with the purpose to avoid processes of exclusion.

3 Maria Rosaria Cataldo 11 gennaio 2006 Project: Grundtvig 2 – Empowerment of disadvantage target groups members This is tied up to the realization of a coordination among the institutions, the associations and the social parts, to bring forth an unique and coherent strategy for the formative interventions to offer to all the citizens in the optics of the "permanent education."

4 Maria Rosaria Cataldo 11 gennaio 2006 Through education and formation, the citizens are set able to appropriate of their own future and to support their aspirations of professional and social development. Project: Grundtvig 2 - Empowerment of disadvantage target groups members

5 Maria Rosaria Cataldo 11 gennaio 2006 Being excluded, today, from the digital culture,means to be excluded by the possibility to carry out the fullness of the citizenship ("digital divide"). The proposal of a technological education in an adult context intends to develop a "technological thought" that allows the person to understand the artificial reality in which it is absorbed and to operate in conscious and effective way. The learning of the technologies constitutes an essential passage for a height and positive social insertion in a multicultural society

6 Maria Rosaria Cataldo 11 gennaio 2006 CTP INSIDE THE SYSTEM The finality of the project is to actively involve the adults in a formative experience centered on the use of the computer technologies in the working processes.

7 Maria Rosaria Cataldo 11 gennaio 2006 CTP INSIDE THE SYSTEM  The project has, as principal objective to help the insertion or the reinsertion in the world of the job, valorizing the already existing competences.

8 Maria Rosaria Cataldo 11 gennaio 2006  To develop an intercultural understanding thanks to the use of the computer tools that lock up meaningful aspects of the reality of our planet to help the trainer to develop, through the conscience of his identity, the ability of understanding and respecting the others  To widen the cultural horizons of the students and the social, civil and human growth.  To set attention to the comparative analysis between the proposed contents and the social, historical and cultural context in which are place. Formative aim

9 Maria Rosaria Cataldo 11 gennaio 2006 Specific aim  Knowledge of the computer science's basic concepts ;  Knowledge of the elements that composes the computer;  Knowledge of the operational systems in their essential functions;  How to aquire Basic instruments;  Operations of routine, management and control;  To use the program Word;  To know how to connect to Internet and to sail among the information on the Web.  To look for information, to know how to send and to receive e-mail.

10 Maria Rosaria Cataldo 11 gennaio 2006 Transversal objectives  Improve in young and adults people the employability and the ability to fit themselves for the new professional demands.  Develop in them higher formation and motivate them to widen their own cultural horizons making them work to their own personal development.  being a citizen aware of his own rights and of his own duty  Acquire a method of autonomous job

11 Maria Rosaria Cataldo 11 gennaio 2006 The project is the course offers in an articulated and integrated run among the experience of the "Analysis of the competences for the orientation" and the run of learning contents and the specific abilities.

12 Maria Rosaria Cataldo 11 gennaio 2006  Reception,observation of needs and expectations.  Exploration of itself and of its own potentialities  Results of the budget of the competences 1 phase: Analysis of the competences for the orientation: hours 10

13 Maria Rosaria Cataldo 11 gennaio 2006 Modul 1: Introduction, personalization of the job's environment, Immission of a text and document's updating Correction of the texts Modul 2: Texts' formatting, Creation and formatting of simple charts, Models of documents,autocomposition of models, types of visualization 2 phase Learning runs and of the specific abilities duration 50 hours

14 Maria Rosaria Cataldo 11 gennaio 2006 2 phase Learning runs and of the specific abilities duration 50 hours Modul 3:: Presentation of Internet and the World Wide Web (WWW), The personal access to Internet, the Browser, the tool that allows to flow and to find the present information on the net Modul 4: Consultation: indexes and mechanisms of search, E-mail: the electronic mail

15 Maria Rosaria Cataldo 11 gennaio 2006 3 phase  Verification of the competences in exit and certification

16 Maria Rosaria Cataldo 11 gennaio 2006 Used methodologies will be active's type: role- playing, laboratories, simulations, activity of driven and applied search. Such methodologies will not only aim to engrave on the specific knowledge, but also to make to emerge the creativeness and the potentialities in all the participants with the purpose to acquire the ability to join, to understand the team's spirit, to positively play their own role without prevaricate the others and to contribute with their own qualities and knowledge. The methodologies

17 Maria Rosaria Cataldo 11 gennaio 2006 Use of didactic materials and technological resources:  Use of thematic sites  Books, statistics  Multimedial material (video, cd rom, etc)  Bright blackboard  Multimedial classroom with using online computers and internet connections  Constructions of conceptual maps and individualized runs (with cards)  Video projector

18 Maria Rosaria Cataldo 11 gennaio 2006 Evaluation  During the activity and at the end of every form will be used some cards predisposed for the trainers selfexamination and evaluation's cards about trainers' products that will be valued both from learning group and from the teachers and tutor

19 Maria Rosaria Cataldo 11 gennaio 2006  Tools  Test of entry, oral interview  Test administered during the development of the forms for the verification of the formative results  Individual observation and progression's cards  The teachers' observations  selfexamination  Group's evaluation leader by teachers and tutors  Layout of the personal Portfolio of the competences Evaluation

20 Maria Rosaria Cataldo 11 gennaio 2006 Object of the observation  - presences;  - interaction trainer-tutor;  - interaction trainers - teachers;  - interactions trainers - trainers,  - interaction tutor - teachers;

21 Maria Rosaria Cataldo 11 gennaio 2006  a group will be selected for about 20 trainers available and motivated to participate in the proposed run, that has a level of equal competence  In the criterions of selection it will be insured the share of the 50% of the female component CRITERIONS OF ADULTS’ SELECTION

22 Maria Rosaria Cataldo 11 gennaio 2006 The budget of the competences Individual " meetings and/or group's meetings for the run's information individual " or group dialogues motivational " interviews " compilate questionnaires of autoexamination " compilate questionnaires of autoanalysis " Production of the portfolio of orientation.

23 Maria Rosaria Cataldo 11 gennaio 2006 The budget of the competences  b)orientation and support for the insertion  During the first phase of the run,space will be given to the orientation's action that will be had to shape, above all, as support and tutoring's action to motivate and place side by side the student in the overcoming of the obstacles that springs from the complexity of the faced thematic. Such action will have to serve, besides, to address the trainers toward the activities that better are lent to express the possessed intellectual and operational qualities

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