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Box and Whisker Plots/Graphs Used to show data Broken up into 4 quarters or quartiles. Uses a number line Need to find 5 numbers in order to create.

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Presentation on theme: "Box and Whisker Plots/Graphs Used to show data Broken up into 4 quarters or quartiles. Uses a number line Need to find 5 numbers in order to create."— Presentation transcript:

1 Box and Whisker Plots/Graphs Used to show data Broken up into 4 quarters or quartiles. Uses a number line Need to find 5 numbers in order to create

2 Box and Whiskers Find 1. Lowest Number 2. Highest Number 3. Median 4. Lower Quartile/ 1 st Quartile 5 Upper Quartile/3 rd Quartile

3 Box and Whiskers Find the five numbers needed 5, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 2, 10

4 Box and Whiskers Find the five numbers needed 5, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 2, 10 0 2 5 5 6 7 8 9 10 Lowest 0 Highest 10 Median 6 Lower Quartile 2.5 Upper Quartile 8.5

5 Box and Whiskers You try 3 5 2 1 6 2 7

6 Box and Whiskers You try 3 5 2 1 6 2 7 12 2 3 5 6 7

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