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BLOGGING By: Erica Scicchitano. What is blogging?  Weblog, or a blog is a special type of Web page that can be created and easily updated using a Web.

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Presentation on theme: "BLOGGING By: Erica Scicchitano. What is blogging?  Weblog, or a blog is a special type of Web page that can be created and easily updated using a Web."— Presentation transcript:

1 BLOGGING By: Erica Scicchitano

2 What is blogging?  Weblog, or a blog is a special type of Web page that can be created and easily updated using a Web browser.  Each new entry has its own date stamp  Each entry has a comments section where visitors to the blog may leave comments for the author.

3 Is it safe?  Limited Access  Expectations  Approving Comments

4 Mrs. Freedman’s Classroom Blog  1. Sent home blogging contract to parents 2. Students received hand out on our classroom weblog with their user name and password

5 Blogging Handout

6 Why is blogging useful?  Classroom community  Hobbies  Birthdays  Positive Notes  Opportunity for children to practice their writing other than paper/pencil

7 Classroom Community  TP posted student birthdays and wished LV happy birthday!  Students were able to write about themselves and students were able to comment  If I was president I would let eveybody can vote for president and the U.S.A have noooooooooooo! taxes! and you have to pay $20 a year to the government. Hello Dominiquex, I just recevied your letter and I don't wanna offend but your website might need a little more work. But if you need help go to my weblog and keep an eye on that help section in the catogoeries, then so you can upgrade your weblog. Sincerely and your friend, Tylerpe

8 Summary  11 out of the 19 students in the class edited their blog  5 students updated their blog consistently  Is it worth it?  Yes! These students took ownership of their work and were able to interact with their classmates.

9 Great Examples of Teacher Blogs  Class Blog   Blog as Classroom Website   Discussion of Summer Reading: 

10 Resources for Blogging   

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