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1 R&E Network Planning, Engineering and OA&M Capabilities in Taiwan 2006 / 04 / 26 Jing-Jou Yen NCHC, Taiwan.

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2 1 R&E Network Planning, Engineering and OA&M Capabilities in Taiwan 2006 / 04 / 26 Jing-Jou Yen NCHC, Taiwan

3 2 Content  Introduction to TWAREN & TANET  TWAREN Existing Architecture  Network Architecture  TAIWANLight  OSS Architecture  TWAREN New Architecture  Drivers for New Design  Design Considerations  L1/L2/L3 Links Diagram  IP + MPLS+ Optical Networking  Summary

4 3  TaiWan Advanced Research and Education Network (TWAREN):  Is the only national academic and research backbone in Taiwan that provides layer one optical lightpaths and layer three routing and peerings.  Provides production and research network connection among universities, research centers in Taiwan and international Internet2 partners.  Replaces TANet2 as an MOU partner of Internet2 and part of APAN-TW.  Has the international circuits with state-of-the-art optical technologies called TAIWANLight.  Is operated by National Center for High-Performance Computing (NCHC) in Taiwan.  Taiwan Academic NETwork (TANET)  Is the academic network connecting colleges, high schools and elementary schools in Taiwan.  Is operated by Ministry of Education (MOE), Taiwan. Introduction to TWAREN & TANET

5 4 TWAREN Nowadays Production Network: Lease-based optical backbone at 20 Gbps. Dual vendor-provisioning at 10 Gbps each. Optical Network: Acquired dark fiber segments. Each GPoP at 20 Gbps. In experimental use. Tainan NCHU CCU Sinica NTU NCU NCTU NTHU NCKU NSYSU Hsinchu Taipei Taichung Taipei NCU NDHU NCTU NTHU CCU NCKU NSYSU NCNU NCHU Sinica NTU Hsinchu Taichung Tainan NHLTC NTTU

6 5 TANET /TWAREN Network Optical Production Research 10GE STM-64/OC-192 STM-16/OC-48 GE Taipei Taichung Tainan Hsinchu ASCC NDHU NCTU NTHU NCHU NSYSU NCKU CCU NCU NTU TWAREN C6509 GSR C6509 NTTU C6509 NHLTC C6509 NCCU

7 6 TWAREN Network Optical Production Research 10GE STM-64/OC-192 STM-16/OC-48 GE TWAREN ONS15600 GSR ONS15454 GSR ONS15454 NCTU NCU NTU C7609 NTHU NCHU C7609 ASCC NDHU CCU C7609 ONS15454 NSYSU C7609 NCKU NCNU C7609 Taipaei Hsinchu Tainan Taichung ONS15600 C7609 NIU C7609 ONS15454

8 7 Optical Network 10GE STM-64/OC-192 STM-16/OC-48 GE Optical Production Research Taipei Taichung Tainan Hsinchu ASCC NDHU NCTU NTHU NCHU NIU NSYSU NCKU CCU NCU NTU TWAREN ONS15454 ONS 15454 ONS15454 ONS 15454 ONS15454 ONS15600 ONS15454 ONS15600 ONS15454

9 8 650912816 10GiE 12816 10G POS Taipei Tainan CCUNTU 6509 TANET/ TWAREN Network TWAREN Network Optical Network 10G POS 15454 7609 10GiE 12816 OC-192 15454 7609 15600 10GiE 1281615454 1.25 G *2 GiE 10 GiE 15600 15454 1.25 G *2 GiE OC-192 GiE TWAREN Layout Example

10 9 TAIWANLight 2006

11 10 TWAREN OSS Architecture

12 11 Ciscoworks 2000 Network Node Manager Cisco Secure ACS Cisco Transport Manager Service Information Portal Cisco Info Center OV Operations Data Protector Remedy HelpDesk OV Performance Insight Syslog TFTP Trap PING Carrier SLA Internet Service Monitor TACACS+ Notification Apps Trap API Polling TrapProbe Trap log Gateway Event GUI HTTP FTP SMTP DNS Trap Polling Telnet SNMP NetFlow SMS Email HTTP Console Monitor PING Polling Trap API OSS Data Flow 37502600 15454 15600 25227609 NAM 12416

13 12 Drivers for New Architecture  Lease of circuits due in October 2006  Network consolidation for cost saving  Need for next generation network testbed  Better network performance  Network utilization and operations efficiency  No single point-of-failure, highly fault tolerant  Network scalability  More demands of integrating optical lightpaths with IP services

14 13 Design Considerations  IP and optical network being integrated into one  One backbone providing services for two virtual networks and dedicated lightpaths  Optical at the core, routing at the edge  Packets transmitted over Lightpaths between GigaPOP and core nodes  Multi-point communication among core nodes with MPLS technology  Reuse the equipment to save the cost  Automated protection using UPSR/Spanning Tree for link failure  Lambda-based network

15 14 Virtual Networks L2 6509 TANET/TWAREN MPLS Core L2 7609 TWAREN MPLS Core

16 15 L1 Links in New Architecture ASCC NCU NTU NCCU NTHU NCTU NCNU NCHU CCU NCKU NSYSU NIU NDHU NHLTC NTTU Taipei Hsinchu Taichung Tainan STM-16 GE STM-64 (2)

17 16 L2/L3 Links in New Architecture ASCC NCU NTU NCCU NCTU NTHU NCNU NCHU CCU NCKU NSYSU NIU NDHU NHLTC NTTU Taipei Hsinchu Taichung Tainan TWAREN Backbone

18 17 IP + MPLS+ Optical Networking MPLS TC TP TN L215454 7609 MPLS15454 L215454 7609 15454 7609 15454 7609 15454 7609 15454 7609 15454 7609 15454 7609 MPLS 15600 15454 L2 MPLS 15600 15454 L2 HC 15454 7609 15454 6509 15454 7609 NCKU NSYSU CCU NCHU NDHU NTHUNCTUASCC NCU NHLTC NTTU NIU NTU 7609 6509 NCCU (2) 7609 NCNU (2) 15454 To TAIWANLight (2) 15600 76096509

19 18 MPLS TC TP TN L215454 7609 MPLS15454 L215454 7609 15454 7609 15454 7609 15454 7609 15454 7609 15454 7609 MPLS 15600 15454 L2 MPLS 15600 15454 L2 HC 15454 7609 15454 6509 15454 7609 NCKU NSYSU CCU NCHU NDHU NTHUNCTUASCC NCU NHLTC NTTU NIU NTU 7609 6509 NCCU (2) 7609 NCNU (2) 15454 To TAIWANLight (2) 15600 Concatenating with Core-GigaPOP Lightpath 7609 6509

20 19 MPLS TC TP TN L215454 7609 MPLS15454 L215454 7609 15454 7609 15454 7609 15454 7609 15454 7609 15454 7609 MPLS 15600 15454 L2 MPLS 15600 15454 L2 HC 15454 7609 15454 6509 15454 7609 NCKU NSYSU CCU NCHU NDHU NTHUNCTUASCC NCU NHLTC NTTU NIU NTU 7609 6509 NCCU (2) 7609 NCNU (2) 15454 To TAIWANLight (2) 15600 End-to-End Lightpath Service 7609 6509

21 20 STM-16 Combined TWAREN/TAIWANLight Lambda Testbed 2006 NCU-15454 TP-15600 TN-15600TC-15454HC-15600 HC-15454TN-15454NCHU-15454CCU-15454NCKU-15454NCSYSU- 15454 ASCC-15454NIU-15454NDHU-15454NTU-15454NCTU-15454NTHU-15454TP-15454 STM-16 TWAREN Optical Network ONS15454 NY ONS15454 Palo Alto Chicago ONS15454 LA ONS15454 CANARIE

22 21 Summary In order to provide better network and operations efficiency, as well as next generation network testbed, NCHC in Taiwan is currently in the midst of network re-design to consolidate the Taiwan’s R&E network backbones with the following capabilities:  Adaptation to different network policies  Use current equipment for cost minimization  Services of virtual networks and dedicated lightpaths  Full protection for any single point of failure  Lightpath allocation for automated protection  Conforming TMN architecture and functionalities  Hybrid Optical Packet Infrastructure (HOPI)  Support for emerging network technologies  Lambda-based network as next generation network testbed

23 22 Thank you ! Comments and Suggestions?

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