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INSME – International Network for SMEs INSME INTERNATIONAL NETWORK FOR SMEs Fostering Innovation & Technology Transfer in SMEs through Intermediaries Dr.

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1 INSME – International Network for SMEs INSME INTERNATIONAL NETWORK FOR SMEs Fostering Innovation & Technology Transfer in SMEs through Intermediaries Dr. Ing. Silvia Grandi Delhi - 30th of August 2003

2 INSME – International Network for SMEs 1 “The successful production, assimilation and exploitation of novelty in the economic and social spheres” (European Commission) Any technical and managerial change in the enterprise resulting in new: Products and services Productive processes Reached market Business Organisation Thus, enhancing the competitiveness of the SMEs in the global market Innovation and Technology Transfer: a leverage for SMES competitiveness in the Global Knowledge Based Society Innovation and Technology Transfer: a leverage for SMES competitiveness in the Global Knowledge Based Society Innovation


4 INSME – International Network for SMEs Common facility centres, scientific and technological parks, innovation centres, governamental agencies, agencies for regional development, government research and innovation organisations, service points linking end-users to other service providers (such as Chambers of Commerce), SME associations, etc. Intermediaries (public, private or mixed bodies, operating at local, national or international level) have the following characteristics: a mission that supports SME creation and development, through institutional or professional service supply an organisational structure specifically devoted to providing assistance and services to SMEs in the field of innovation and technology transfert Examples of intermediaries Definition of Intermediaries 3

5 INSME – International Network for SMEs Examples of typical services by intermediaries  Providing updated mapping of technologies concerning the SMEs’ process and product innovation (technology watch)  Search technology and support technology transfer  Assisting SMEs in assessing their innovation technology needs (technology audit)  Identifying experts able to define and implement the innovation projects  Identifying grants and public funds for investments in sectors of research and technology  Supporting SMEs in Intellectual Property Management (Patents, Royalties, Copyrights, etc.)  Support partnership creation and growth of SMEs Networks (Business Integration)  Providing specialized technological training  Fostering new product or technology development  Supporting new marketing or internationalization strategies  … 4

6 INSME – International Network for SMEs The challenge of Globalisation on SMEs: WHEN INSME WAS CONCEIVED The challenge of Globalisation on SMEs: WHEN INSME WAS CONCEIVED 1 st OECD Ministerial Conference on SMEs, Bologna 2000 The Bologna Charter on SME policies “Ministers and Representatives of governments of countries participating in the Bologna Conference welcomed Italy’s offer to carry out a feasibility study, including a needs assessment, to define the possible design and development of an International Network for SMEs (INSME), which could also benefit from support by interested countries and private sector inputs.” The “Bologna Process” 2 nd OECD Ministerial Conference on SMEs, Istanbul 2004 5

7 INSME – International Network for SMEs WHAT IS INSME? INSME is an international initiative aimed at stimulating SME’s innovation processes, providing support to intermediaries and their networks specialising in the field of innovation and technology transfer to SMEs. Taking the form of a non profit international Association, the INSME Network will represent a Community of political and technical stakeholders to establish a permanent dialogue on policies, programmes and providing services, promoting projects and other initiatives. 6

8 INSME – International Network for SMEs WHAT IS INSME? By taking advantage of the use of ICT: 7 INSME will act as an information hub, a facilitator, accelerator, multiplier and catalyser of existing, relevant intermediaries and their networks at international, regional and national level, supporting the launch of new projects, disseminating results, developing synergies and promoting economies of scale

9 INSME – International Network for SMEs to internationally promote knowledge sharing, synergies, partnerships and linkages among all innovation system actors; to help specialise, integrate and internationalise the offerings set of intermediaries and their networks on a sectoral and/or geographical basis to encourage the benchmarking of policies and programmes, the exchange of methodologies and the diffusion of good practices to foster access to existing information sources, initiatives and projects, including financing opportunities, through the INSME Portal WHY INSME? 8

10 INSME – International Network for SMEs Governmental Agencies, International Organisations and NGOs, Intermediaries and their networks who offer support and services to SMEs in innovation and technology transfer SMEs indirectly benefit from INSME’s activities through intermediaries services and INSME ICT tools. Members & Beneficiaries 9

11 INSME – International Network for SMEs WHO IS INVOLVED? 40 Countries, 17 International Organisations and NGOs, Intermediaries, Networks 40 Countries, 17 International Organisations and NGOs, Intermediaries, Networks India: SIDO WASME FISME 10

12 INSME – International Network for SMEs Platform for Exchange PORTAL INSME SERVICES GENERAL INFORMATION SERVICES (for free) TAILORED SERVICES (for a fee) Technical support for INSME Members INSME Services 11

13 INSME – International Network for SMEs 20 INSME SERVICES (1) INSME Member Directory Knowledge Sharing Discussion Group Selected INSME Meetings INSME Award Online Partner Search INSME Network Information and Tools Platform for Exchange GENERAL SERVICES (for free) Ask INSMEService Member’s Bulletin Board Thematic Working Groups INSME Think Tank Of Experts INSME Pilot Projects “INSMEnews” Newsletter News Glossary Calendar of Events Links INSME Observatory Catalogue of Projects & Initiative on Innovation and TT Database of Intermediaries and their Networks Library Catalogue of Policies on Innovation and TT Financing Opportunities (Calls) Good Practices 12

14 INSME – International Network for SMEs TAILORED SERVICES (for a fee) INSME SERVICES (2) Technical support for INSME Members Project Planning and Project Development Identification of Sources of Financing Support for identifying and planning innovation strategies and policies for SMEs Tailored Partner Search Knowledge Management System (KMS) Benchmarking Activities Website/Portal Creation for Intermediaries Mentoring Training Staff Exchange and Secondment 13

15 INSME – International Network for SMEs INSME PORTAL ( The INSME Portal is freely accessibile to the public, except Members’ reserved area It targets to: POLICY MAKERS, INTERMEDIARIES SMEs 14

16 INSME – International Network for SMEs INSME PILOT PROJECT It is an initiative aimed at the ideation, experimentation and assessment of innovative practices, of a sectoral and/or factoral nature, in Countries which participate in INSME.... 1.RIDITT – the Italian Network for the Diffusion of Innovation and Technology Transfer 2.FASHION NET – Network to foster innovation in SMEs of the fashion system 3.Pilot Project “TUNISIA” for the internationalisation of the Technical Centres 4.ASK INSME – On line expert answer on innovation & TT 5.… Examples of INSME PILOT PROJECTS 15

17 INSME – International Network for SMEs INSME AWARD prize which will be assigned to acknowledge the success or the importance of the activities and initiatives at international, regional, national or sub-national level undertaken by intermediaries or their networks A.1 Intermediaries supplying innovation and technology transfer services to SMEs A.2 International, regional, national and sub-national networks of intermediaries which supply innovation and technology transfer services to SMEs B.1 Initiatives, programmes and projects carried out by intermediaries or their networks in the field of innovation and technology transfer B.2 INSME Pilot Projects Prize Categories 16

18 INSME – International Network for SMEs The Thematic Working Groups (TWG) will gather INSME Members who are interested in sharing experiences on specific vertical or horizontal topics or with respect to a limited geographical area. (i.e. : Fashion & Textile Industry, ICT, etc.) INSME THINK THANK Group of indipendent experts which will provide the INSME Secretariat with innovative INFORMATION, PROPOSALS and ADVICE in order to generate new ideas about: strategies, policies, methodologies, projects, products, services related to innovation and technology transfer (TT). Now OPEN call for CVs until October 5, 2003 see: > Tenders & Calls THEMATIC WORKING GROUPS 17

19 INSME – International Network for SMEs Dr. Ing. Silvia Grandi Head of Division Institute for Industrial Promotion (IPI) & INSME Secretariat 18

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