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Civil Liberties: First Amendment Freedoms

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Presentation on theme: "Civil Liberties: First Amendment Freedoms"— Presentation transcript:

1 Civil Liberties: First Amendment Freedoms
19.1 The Unalienable Rights 19.2 Freedom of Religion 19.3 Freedom of Speech and Press 19.4 Freedom of Assembly and Petition

2 The Unalienable Rights
A ________________________is deeply rooted in America’s colonial past The ___________________was fought to preserve and expand these very rights: _________________________ _______________________________

3 Rights & Liberties The existence of government is _______________________of the Const. The Constitution guarantees the basic rights of United States citizens in the ___________. (was not included at first) Intended to _____________________

4 Civil Rights & Liberties
Civil Liberties: _____________ ________________________ Ex: ________________, speech, press & ____________ ________________________

5 Civil Rights & Liberties cont.
__________- positive acts of government that seek to make constitutional guarantees a reality for all people Ex: Prohibition of discrimination on basis of race, gender, religious belief, or national origin- _____________________________

6 Relativity of Individual Rights
All persons have the right ______ ______________________________________________________ Ex: freedom of speech HOWEVER...________________ ______________________________________________________

7 Things that make you go hmmm...
Is yelling fire in a crowded movie theatre your right to freedom of speech or can you be arrested????? ________________________ Schenck v. United States, 1919

8 Who Are Guaranteed Rights?
Most rights are guaranteed to all persons. Aliens (foreign-born residents, non-citizens) ______________ _________________________

9 ??Question?? Can you name a time in history when constitutional rights were taken away from citizens in the U.S.? ____________________________ ____________________________

10 Internment Camp


12 Internment Order

13 Scope of Bill of Rights States can and do limit certain rights.
Ex: ______________________ _________________________ _________________________

14 9th & 14th Amendment 9th ________________________ ___________________________. 14th- Due Process Clause- ______ ____________________________ Process of incorporation- incorporating Bill of Rights into 14th amendment

15 Gitlow v. New York, 1925 Benjamin Gitlow- _____________- convicted in state courts of criminal anarchy Made several speeches and published a pamphlet calling for a violent overthrow of govt. Supreme Court ______________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________

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