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Napa Valley Fall Prevention Coalition StopFalls Napa Valley Coordinated Fall Prevention Outreach and Services.

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Presentation on theme: "Napa Valley Fall Prevention Coalition StopFalls Napa Valley Coordinated Fall Prevention Outreach and Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 Napa Valley Fall Prevention Coalition StopFalls Napa Valley Coordinated Fall Prevention Outreach and Services

2 Napa Fall Prevention Coalition The Purpose to the Coalition is to:  Significantly reduce falls among older adults in Napa Valley that decrease quality of life, result in injury, nursing home placement or death

3 Fall Prevention Initiative Purpose of proposed funding is to:  Increase access to fall prevention services and programs for older adults throughout Napa County particularly those with demonstrated risk factors and underserved elderly adults aged 75 and older

4 Coalition Partners  St. Helena Hospital, Queen of the Valley Hospital, Kaiser Permanente (representing emergency rooms, patient education, Women’s Center and community support programs)  Adult Day Services of Napa Valley (Adult Day Health Care/Alzheimer’s Day Care Resource Center/Social Day Care/Alzheimer’s Coalition/Caregiver Support & Respite)  EMS  Assisted Living and Skilled Nursing facilities  The Volunteer Center: Senior Services, I&A & Referral  Senior Committee of Non-Profit Coalition  Transportation Planning Agency  Senior centers  Area Agency on Aging: representing Planning. Outreach Coordination (Info-Van & Nutrition Educator), Long Term Care Ombudsman, Case Management programs, & Latino Elder Coalition  Physicians and More …

5 Area Agency on Aging Lead Agency  501(c)3  Planning, coordinating, and advocating for the development of a comprehensive service delivery system for frail elders and disabled adults age 18 and older and supportive services for family caregivers including Adult Day Care Programs and Alzheimer’s Day Care Resource Centers and Congregate and Home- delivered nutrition programs and administration of contracted programs.  Advisory board of consumers

6 Why Fall Prevention? Prevalence and Population

7 Target Population Older adults 65 and older, emphasis on the elderly 75 and older who are at risk and underserved, and their family members, caregivers and providers

8 Falls Resulting in Hospitalization

9 High Ratio of Falls Napa City has a greater than average ratio of falls resulting in hospitalization when compared to hundreds of other cities.

10 Cost of Hospitalization from Falls The Mean Cost of hospitalization from a fall in Napa in 2004 was $37,393.62 With 453 people documented as hospitalized due to a fall, the cost was $16,939,309.86. Hospitalized fall injury data came from 2004 California Patient Discharge Data, supplied by the California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development in partnership with the CA Dept. of Health Services, EPIC.

11 Many More Visit the Emergency Room for Falls  It is estimated that 213,000 Californians visit the emergency room for fall related injuries and more than 60,000 are hospitalized or more than 3.5 times more people use the emergency room for falls.

12 Aging Population  The risk of fall injury increases dramatically with age. The rate among Californians over age 85 is 57 times higher than Californians aged 20-55 years.  Residents over age 85 are the fastest growing segment of the Napa County population.

13 Napa Compared to Other Counties:  Napa County has the second highest percentage of the total population who are 85 years and older  It has third highest percentage of the total population of residents age 75 years and older  Additionally, the county has a significantly high percentage of older adults living below poverty and living alone in the community.

14 Consequences of Falls

15 Serious Injuries from Falls  According to Studies: –Serious injuries from falls include hip and other fractures, head, neck and back injuries that require significant care. –Full recovery is unlikely for a significant percentage of these survivors.

16 Costly, Long Term Impacts  Falls that result in hospitalization also are likely to cause placement in costly and restrictive long term care facilities, significantly reduce post fall activity, increase depression and anxiety, and isolation.  In one study, 50% of fall injuries that required hospital admission resulted in the elderly person being discharged to a nursing home

17 Preventing Falls

18 Falls Can Be Prevented  Falls are most often caused by –environmental factors, –gait and balance disorders, and –medical issues.  Fall risk assessment and intervention programs can prevent falls and injuries.  Best practices indicate that combined interventions are the most likely to reduce falls risk.

19 Prevention Programs Work  Falls can be reduced through evidence- based prevention and intervention services that address risk factors for falls and mitigate secondary factors such as home and community safety issues.  CDC supports a “multifaceted approach with both behavioral and environmental components.

20 Combined Strategies Address Health Promotion and Intervention  Community Awareness & Education  Coordination Among Providers  Provider Education & Training  Physical Activity to Improve Balance & Mobility  Home Safety Assessments & Modification  Public & Institutional Policies & Procedures  Access-Able Transportation & Communities  Surveillance Systems

21 Napa Fall Prevention Plan

22 Launching A Community Effort Successful fall prevention programs involve the whole community:  Promoting healthy lifestyles including access to physical activity for all ages and abilities,  Improving community safety and walkability,  Implementing institutional policies for falls risk assessment,  Creating safe home and living environments,  Assuring post-fall interventions.

23 Community Partnership  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention supports a coordinated approach among community-based organizations, health care institutions, and public agencies and communities.

24 Napa Fall Prevention Coalition Strategies 1.Community education and events  Media  Grassroots Outreach  Materials  Education and screening programs 2.Promoting physical activity to improve balance and mobility  Resource and referral lists  Physical activity programs for vulnerable, frail and isolated seniors

25 Public Service Announcements Did you know that thousands of seniors are hospitalized due to falls every year? You don’t have to be one of them! Here are three things you can do to prevent falls…  Improve your balance with exercise and strength training  Have regular vision and hearing checks  Have your doctor regularly check all the medicines you are taking Ask your doctor if you are risk for falling. Stop falls. Stay independent.

26 Napa Fall Prevention Coalition Strategies 3.County-wide Fall Prevention Coordination  Post Fall Follow-up & Assistance  Resource & Referral  Training & Education  Policies & Procedures


28 Napa Fall Prevention Coalition Strategies 4.Home Safety Assessment and Affordable Modification 5.Linking to other HAPI Initiatives:  Senior Transportation & Mobility (Vouchers)  Senior Link Information & Assistance  Napa Institute on Aging for Caregiver and Provider Education (Fall Prevention Training) 6.Surveillance & Data Collection

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