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FVS The Forest Vegetation Simulator (FVS) A review of the Pacific Northwest Variants Chad Keyser Forest Vegetation Simulator.

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Presentation on theme: "FVS The Forest Vegetation Simulator (FVS) A review of the Pacific Northwest Variants Chad Keyser Forest Vegetation Simulator."— Presentation transcript:

1 FVS The Forest Vegetation Simulator (FVS) A review of the Pacific Northwest Variants Chad Keyser Forest Vegetation Simulator

2 FVS Presentation Roadmap 1.FVS Overview 2.FVS Demonstration 3.Questions

3 FVS Forest G & Y Modeling System USDA Forest Service supported Maintained by the FMSC in Fort Collins, CO Maintenance, Development, and User Support Forest Vegetation Simulator

4 FVS History Prognosis Model for the Inland Empire Region Expanded to other Geographic Regions Renamed FVS

5 FVS FVS System Components Pre Processors G & Y Model Post Processors SUPPOSE Interface Forest Vegetation Simulator

6 FVS Pre Processors SUPPOSE USDA FS NRIS FSVeg FIA Mapmaker Forest Vegetation Simulator

7 FVS G & Y Model FVS is a distance-independent individual tree model comprised of empirical equations that predict diameter and height growth, crown change and mortality over time.

8 FVS Geographic Variants Base Model FVS Extensions Red Alder: PN WC Forest Vegetation Simulator

9 FVS Stand Information Stand ID Location code Stand origin year Slope Aspect Elevation Plant Assoc. / EcoClass Site species Site index Inventory year Inventory/Cruise Design Grouping codes Tree Information Plot Number Tree Number Tree Count Tree History SPECIES DBH Height Crown Ratio Damage/Severity Codes Tree Value Class Cut/Leave Status Growth Increment Forest Vegetation Simulator

10 FVS Stand Data Growth (DBH & HT) Mortality FFE / I&D Crown Change Regeneration Perform Mgmt Activities Update Stand Statistics Forest Vegetation Simulator FVS Processing Sequence

11 FVS Forest Vegetation Simulator Red Alder Diameter Growth (PN) 1,369 Growth Sample Trees 34 from the Siuslaw ’73 610 from the Olympic ’74 534 from BLM lands in Oregon 191 from BIA Quinalt Ln(dds) = f(stand, tree, competition measures)

12 FVS Forest Vegetation Simulator Red Alder Diameter Growth (WC) 125 Growth Sample Trees 14 from the Gifford Pinchot NF 29 from the Mt. Baker – Snoqualmie NF 65 from the Mt. Hood NF 8 from the Umpqua NF 9 from the Willamette NF DG = f(BA and DBH)

13 FVS Forest Vegetation Simulator Red Alder Height Growth 1.Potential HG based on Site Index PN (Harrington and Curtis 1986), 20 yr BA WC (Worthington et al 1960), 50 yr BA 2.Modified by RH and CR HTG = POTHTG * Modifier

14 FVS Post Processors stand and stock tables structure and habitat statistics fire, insect and disease hazard ratings computer visualizations (SVS) FOREST VEGETATION SIMULATOR VERSION 6.2 -- SOUTHEAST TWIGS **TEST** RV:02.26.98 05-23-1998 12:59:34 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OPTIONS SELECTED BY INPUT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KEYWORD PARAMETERS: -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDIDENT STAND ID= C315S01 Stand C315S01 at Smokey District STDINFO FOREST-LOCATION CODE= 80308; HABITAT TYPE= 0; AGE= 77; ASPECT AZIMUTH IN DEGREES= 0.; SLOPE= 0.% ELEVATION(100'S FEET)= 0.0; LATITUDE IN DEGREES= 0. DESIGN BASAL AREA FACTOR= 10.0; INVERSE OF FIXED PLOT AREA= 1.0; BREAK DBH= 0.0 SEE "OPTIONS SELECTED BY DEFAULT" FOR PLOT COUNTS AND SAMPLING WEIGHT. THINBBA DATE/CYCLE= 2007; RESIDUAL= 80.00; PROPORTION OF SELECTED TREES REMOVED= 1.000 DBH OF REMOVED TREES WILL RANGE FROM 0.0 TO 999.0 INCHES, AND HEIGHT OF REMOVED TREES WILL RANGE FROM 0.0 TO 999.0 FEET. THINABA DATE/CYCLE= 2027; RESIDUAL= 60.00; PROPORTION OF SELECTED TREES REMOVED= 1.000 DBH OF REMOVED TREES WILL RANGE FROM 0.0 TO 999.0 INCHES, AND HEIGHT OF REMOVED TREES WILL RANGE FROM 0.0 TO 999.0 FEET. OPEN DATA SET REFERENCE NUMBER = 2; BLANK=ZERO; STATUS=UNKNOWN MAXIMUM RECORD LENGTH (IGNORED ON SOME MACHINES) = 150; FILE FORM= 1 (1=FORMATTED, 2=UNFORMATTED) DATA SET NAME = C315S01.tre TREEDATA DATA SET REFERENCE NUMBER= 2 CLOSE DATA SET REFERENCE NUMBER = 2 SPLABEL STAND POLICY LABEL SET: All, C315 PROCESS PROCESS THE STAND. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OPTIONS SELECTED BY DEFAULT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TREEFMT (I4,T1,I7,F6.0,I1,A3,F4.1,F3.1,2F3.0,F4.1,I1,3(I2,I2),2I1,I2, 2I3,2I1) DESIGN BASAL AREA FACTOR= 10.0; INVERSE OF FIXED PLOT AREA= 1.0; BREAK DBH= 0.0 NUMBER OF PLOTS= 10; NON-STOCKABLE PLOTS= 0; STAND SAMPLING WEIGHT= 10.00000 SITE SPECIES=RO CODE= 100 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTIVITY SCHEDULE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CYCLE DATE EXTENSION KEYWORD DATE PARAMETERS: ----- ---- --------- -------- ---- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 1997 2 2007 BASE THINBBA 2007 80.00 1.00 0.00 999.00 0.00 999.00 3 2017 4 2027 BASE THINABA 2027 60.00 1.00 0.00 999.00 0.00 999.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALIBRATION STATISTICS: SH WP RO ---- ---- ---- NUMBER OF RECORDS PER SPECIES 6 18 77 NUMBER OF RECORDS WITH MISSING HEIGHTS 6 18 77 NUMBER OF RECORDS WITH BROKEN OR DEAD TOPS 0 0 0 NUMBER OF RECORDS WITH MISSING CROWN RATIOS 6 18 77 NUMBER OF RECORDS AVAILABLE FOR SCALING THE DIAMETER INCREMENT MODEL 0 0 0 RATIO OF STANDARD ERRORS (INPUT DBH GROWTH DATA : MODEL) 1.00 1.00 1.00 WEIGHT GIVEN TO THE INPUT GROWTH DATA WHEN DBH GROWTH MODEL SCALE FACTORS WERE COMPUTED 0.00 0.00 0.00 INITIAL SCALE FACTORS FOR THE DBH INCREMENT MODEL 1.00 1.00 1.00 NUMBER OF RECORDS AVAILABLE FOR SCALING Forest Vegetation Simulator

15 FVS SUPPOSE Interface Menus List boxes Radio buttons Scroll bars Text boxes Pop-up lists Forest Vegetation Simulator

16 FVS 1.Pick stands for simulation 2.Set the time scale a.number of cycles (5 or 10 year) 3.Assign Management Actions a.harvest b.regeneration 4.Select post processors 5.Run the simulation 6.View outputs a.text files b.spreadsheets c.graphs Forest Vegetation Simulator

17 FVS Forest Management Service Center 2150 Centre Ave, Bldg. A, Suite 341a Fort Collins, CO 80526 FVS Hotline970-295-5770 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM (Mountain time), M-F Gary DixonBob Havis Chad Keyser (295-5771)Stephanie Rebain Erin Smith-MatejaDon Vandendriesche Forest Vegetation Simulator

18 FVS Demonstration FIA Dataset Suppose PN Variant Post Processors

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