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UNFCCC secretariat, programme Mayuresh Sarang, Team Lead - Accreditation Standards Team Module 2.2 Calibration regarding Accreditation Assessment Requirements.

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Presentation on theme: "UNFCCC secretariat, programme Mayuresh Sarang, Team Lead - Accreditation Standards Team Module 2.2 Calibration regarding Accreditation Assessment Requirements."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNFCCC secretariat, programme Mayuresh Sarang, Team Lead - Accreditation Standards Team Module 2.2 Calibration regarding Accreditation Assessment Requirements Key Changes to the CDM Accreditation Standard for Operational Entities, version 2.0 Bonn, Germany, 12 March 2011

2 Key Changes to the CDM Accreditation Standard Highlights Revised CDM accreditation standard, version 2.0 adopted by EB 56, with improvements/enhancements to: Technical competence of DOEs Impartiality of DOEs Allocation of functions to sites other than the DOEs central office Board decided on a six-month grace period with the effective implementation date of the revised CDM accreditation standard as 17 March 2011

3 Human Resources and Competence (section IV, Annex D) Competence Requirements Competence requirements clearly prescribe an ability to apply knowledge and skills in respect to the CDM validation and verification activities; This ability shall be evaluated by the AE/DOE in accordance with appropriate CDM accreditation requirements so as to achieve intended results i.e. to ensure a high quality of DOE output(s)

4 Relation between initial qualification and performance evaluation Initial qualification to technical areas Personnel shall be evaluated and initially qualified to technical areas, based on the associated competence requirements, in the validation and verification functions Confirmation of competence DOE shall have its personnel competence, for those who were initially qualified, confirmed based on a performance evaluation Human Resources and Competence (section IV, Annex D)

5 Initial Qualification of personnel to Technical Areas Concept of technical areas within a CDM sectoral scope is fully established, along with the competence requirements for initial qualification to each technical area requirements for both validation and verification functions; competence requirements achieved as a combination of educational background, work experience and training Human Resources and Competence (section IV, Annex D)

6 Safeguarding Impartiality Previous structureNew structure A. General I. Threats to impartiality II. Mitigation B. Safeguarding impartiality A.General B.Safeguarding impartiality at the policy level C.Safeguarding impartiality at the organizational level D.Safeguarding impartiality at the operational level I. Analysis of threats against impartiality II. Mitigation of threats against impartiality E.Review of effectiveness Impartiality (section XII)

7 Safeguarding Impartiality Impartiality shall be addressed at the level of: Policy; Organizational; and Operational AE/DOE shall implement mitigation actions against identified risks to impartiality through, inter alia: Prohibition; Restrictions; Disclosures

8 Impartiality (section XII) Review of effectiveness Another new requirement Is an analysis and review of all data and information that bears upon all issues related to impartiality Required to be conducted at least once a year Review to evaluate effectiveness of the process to safeguard DOEs impartiality

9 Allocation of Functions to Other Sites (Section III, Annex A) Allocation of functions to other sites Clarifies which functions the DOE may allocate to sites other than its central office Makes clear distinction between: Allocation of functions to other sites Use of external personnel Subcontracting

10 Current Status In the interim phase, between adoption and implementation of the standard, the CDM accreditation panel has received several Request for Clarifications on the elements of the revised standard These RfCs are for consideration by the CDM AP Next meeting of the CDM AP is 14-17 March

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