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WOU Regulations & Procedures by Registry. Why students need rules and regulations?

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1 WOU Regulations & Procedures by Registry

2 Why students need rules and regulations?

3 1.Semester Structure 2.Principal Activities: Dates & Deadlines 3. Administrative Procedures 4. Assessment & Examinations 5. Award of Undergraduate Degrees AGENDA

4 1.SEMESTER STRUCTURE (July 2007 Semester) – (1 of 2) PeriodDates Study (18 weeks)23rd Jul – 25th Nov 07 Revision (1 week)26th Nov – 2nd Dec 07 Final Examinations (2 weeks) 3rd Dec – 16th Dec 07 Semester Break (5 weeks)17th Dec 07 – 20th Jan 08

5 Week12345678910111213 Activity T1 Self-Study & Online Support T2 Self-Study & Online Support T3 Self-Study & Online Support T4 Week14151617181920212223242526 Activity Self-Study & Online Support T5 Rev Per. Final Exams Semester Break 1.SEMESTER STRUCTURE (July 2007 Semester) – (2 of 2) Face-to-face Tutorials Tutorial 1 (Week 1) : 28 & 29 Jul 07 Tutorial 2 (Week 5) : 25 & 26 Aug 07 Tutorial 3 (Week 9) : 22 & 23 Sep 07 Tutorial 4 (Week 13) : 20 & 21 Oct 07 Tutorial 5 (Week 17) : 17 & 18 Nov 07

6 Principal ActivitiesRemarksDeadlines Normal Fees After the Early Bird Fees deadline till the first week of the semester 19 June (Tue) – 29 July (Sun) 2007 Late Payment Penalty (RM100) From week 2 to week 5 31 July (Tue) – 26 Aug (Sun) 2007 Distribution of Course Materials One (1) week before and one (1) week after commencement of the semester (upon payment of fees) 17 July (Tue) – 29 July (Sun) 2007 2.PRINCIPAL ACTIVITIES: DATES & DEADLINES – (1 of 3) ** Please refer to Student Handbook 2007 on page 16

7 2.PRINCIPAL ACTIVITIES: DATES & DEADLINES – (2 of 3) Principal ActivitiesRemarksDeadlines Last day to Add courseOne (1) week before the commencement of the semester By 15 July 2007 (Sun) Last day to Drop course By the 3rd tutorial of the semester (week 9) By 23 Sep 2007 (Sun) Last day to Withdraw from a course with a “W” grade By the 16th week of the semester By 11 Nov 2007 (Sun) OVER ** Please refer to Student Handbook 2007 on page 16

8 Principal ActivitiesRemarksDeadlines Dropping of course (s) or Withdrawal from the University - Refund of 100% Fees except P&A fee Before the distribution period of course materials……………… Before 16 July 2007 (Sun) - Refund of 50% Fees except P&A fee Within the distribution period of course materials ……………… 17 July (Tue) – 29 July (Sun) 2007 - No RefundAfter the distribution period of course materials (from the 2nd week of the semester onwards) After 29 July 2007 (Sun) P&A: Processing & Administrative fee (RM50) Refund of tuition fee will be in accordance with the refund policy of the University. Re-enrolment for next semester From the 11th week of the current semester From 8 Oct 2007 (Mon) 2.PRINCIPAL ACTIVITIES: DATES & DEADLINES – (3 of 3) ** Please refer to Student Handbook 2007 on page 16

9 3. ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES – (1 of 3) ADDING OF COURSE(S) Must submit notification in writing to the Regional Office (using form R-AC) One (1) week before the commencement of the semester ** Please refer to Student Handbook 2007 on page 19

10 DROPPING OF COURSE (S) Must submit notification in writing to the Regional Office (using form R-DC) Latest by 3 rd tutorial (week 9) Course(s) will not be recorded on students’ permanent academic record 3. ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES – (2 of 3) ** Please refer to Student Handbook 2007 on page 19

11 WITHDRAWAL FROM COURSE(S) Must submit notification in writing to the Regional Office (using form R-CW) Latest by the 16th week Course(s) will be recorded with grade ‘W’ 3. ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES – (3 of 3) ** Please refer to Student Handbook 2007 on page 19

12 4. ASSESSMENT & EXAMINATIONS – (1 of 11) The assessment for any course consists of two (2) components: Continuous assessment (50 %) Final examination (50 %) Final assessment (100 %) = weighted total of both components. To pass a course, a student must pass both components. ** Please refer to Student Handbook 2007 on page 30 & 51

13 ELIGIBILITY FOR EXAMINATIONS If you have (regardless of the TMAs performance):- registered for the course not been barred from the examination 4. ASSESSMENT & EXAMINATIONS – (2 of 11) ** Please refer to Student Handbook 2007 for item 10: “Regulations for Assessment and Examinations” on page 44

14 SUBMISSION OF ASSIGNMENTS (Tutor Marked Assignments, TMA) If submitted after deadline without prior permission: the Course Coordinator (CC) has the right to reject the TMA and award a zero (0) score. 4. ASSESSMENT & EXAMINATIONS – (3 of 11) ** Please refer to Student Handbook 2007 on page 31.

15 SUBMISSION OF ASSIGNMENTS (Tutor Marked Assignments, TMA) If submitted after the deadline with prior permission, the TMA will be accepted for marking (marks will count). 4. ASSESSMENT & EXAMINATIONS – (4 of 11) ** Please refer to Student Handbook 2007 on page 31.

16 APPROVING AUTHORITIES TO EXTEND THE DEADLINE OF TMA SUBMISSION a)TUTOR: within 7 days. b)COURSE COORDINATOR (CC): after 7 days but not more than 14 days c) DEAN: after 14 days but not more than 21 days 4. ASSESSMENT & EXAMINATIONS – (5 of 11) ** Please refer to Student Handbook 2007 on page 31.

17 ABSENCE FROM EXAMINATION Student must notify the Registrar in writing :- due to ill health - with relevant medical certificate due to other valid causes - with evidence of the cause 4. ASSESSMENTS & EXAMINATION – (6 of 11) ** Please refer to Student Handbook 2007 for item 17:”Regulation for Assessment and Examinations on page 47. * absent from exams without University’s approval: deemed to have failed the exam

18 4. ASSESSMENTS & EXAMINATION – (7 of 11) Examination deferment Students wishing to defer studies and continue later …page 20 Student Handbook PLAGIARISM Student shall not present work of others as his/hers own work without acknowledgement … page 31

19 EXAMINATION MISCONDUCT Bringing unauthorized materials into the exam venue. Communicating with other students during the exam through any means. Copying/cheating in an exam A student alleged to have committed misconduct shall be liable to proceedings and disciplinary action. 4. ASSESSMENT & EXAMINATIONS – (8 of 11) ** Please refer to Student Handbook 2007 for item 16:”Regulation for Assessment and Examinations on page 46.

20 GradeGrade PointStatus A4.00Distinction A-3.67Excellent B+3.33Extremely Good B3.00Very Good B-2.67Good C+2.33Moderately Good C2.00Satisfactory C-1.67Weak D+1.33Very Weak D1.00Extremely Weak F0.00Fail GRADING SYSTEM 4. ASSESSMENT & EXAMINATIONS – (9 of 11) ** Please refer to Student Handbook 2007 on page 35 & 51.

21 RE-SIT EXAMINATION Student who has failed the exam can re-sit provided: a)Passed continuous assessment component b)Achieved an acceptable level in the exam ie “FR” (fail- resit) grade c)How often? Only re-sit once d)When? The next exam session where the course is being offered e)To pay a re-sit fee of RM120/course 4. ASSESSMENT & EXAMINATIONS – (10 of 11) ** Please refer to Student Handbook 2007 for item 21:”Regulations for Assessment and Examinations” on page 50.

22 REPEATING A COURSE (CAN TRY MANY TIMES) Those who failed OR passed but wishes to improve the overall grades The best grade achieved will be used in the computation of the Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA). 4. ASSESSMENT & EXAMINATIONS – (11 of 11) ** Please refer to Student Handbook 2007 on page 34.

23 5.GRADUATION REQUIREMENT – (1 of 3) To be eligible for the award of undergraduate degree, you must: a) Meet the requirements of the chosen degree. b) Achieve a CGPA of 2.00 and above. c) Obtain at least 102 credits. d) Achieve a minimum grade C (2.00) for LAN courses. Bahasa Kebangsaan A Pengajian Malaysia Pengajian Islam/Pendidikan Moral ** Please refer to Student Handbook 2007 for “Regulations for the Award of the Undergraduate Degrees” on page 58.

24 Course Components Number of courses Total credits a) LAN Courses39 b) University Courses618 c) Basic Major Courses1545 d) Core Major Courses8-1024-30 e) Elective Courses0-20-6 Total34102 5.GRADUATION REQUIREMENT – (2 of 3) Requirements of the chosen degree ** Please refer to Student Handbook 2007 for “Regulations for the Award of the Undergraduate Degrees” on page 59.

25 For more information, please refer to your Student Handbook or visit our website at THANK YOU!

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