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An introduction to the basic parts of a map and basic geography terms!

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Presentation on theme: "An introduction to the basic parts of a map and basic geography terms!"— Presentation transcript:

1 An introduction to the basic parts of a map and basic geography terms!

2  Why is it important that we know how to read a map?

3  List three parts of a map.

4  A set of pointers on a map used to show cardinal and intermediate directions.

5 2. CARDINAL DIRECTIONS3. INTERMEDIATE DIRECTIONS  North  South  East  West  Northeast  Northwest  Southeast  Southwest


7  The legend or key explains what the symbols on a map represent.

8  Which part of the map would you use to….  Measure the distance from New York City to North Plainfield?  Determine which way Florida is from New Jersey.  Find all of the major cities listed on the map.  Determine what the map is about.

9  Map symbols are used to represent real objects on a map. Both shapes and colors may be used

10  A "scale" indicates the relationship between a certain distance on the map and the distance on the ground. The map scale is usually located in the legend box of a map, which explains the symbols and provides other important information about the map.

11  A title of a map describes what the map is about.

12  An imaginary line runs around the center of Earth halfway between the North and South Poles at 0 degrees latitude.

13  An imaginary line that runs from the North Pole to the South Pole of Earth.

14  Half of the earth. The four halves are the Northern Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere, Eastern Hemisphere, and Western Hemisphere.




18 Amusement Park


20 Take 5 Minutes to Review for your Quiz Turn in Worksheet Number 8 and your Do Now Sheet. What is the Prime Meridian? What is the Equator? What is a Hemisphere?

21  Turn to page 90. Look at map B, city states of Renaissance Italy. Measure the miles between the following places on the map.  A. Siena to Bologna  B. Padua to Milan  Milan to Rome

22 1.Tundra or ice 2.Forest 3.Grass 4.Shrub or desert B. a. International boundary B. b. Mountain peak B. c. City B. d. Continental boundary C. a. different barbarian invasions and migrations C. b. empire and its additions

23 C. c. C. d. capital C. 2. a. legend C.2. b. call outs C.2. c. unit timeline C.2. d. history questions D. a. Early Settlements and civilizations D. b. People Migrate Across the Earth D. c. graph D. d. ice sheets

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