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CatholicCare Canberra & Goulburn Disability Employment Services.

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Presentation on theme: "CatholicCare Canberra & Goulburn Disability Employment Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 CatholicCare Canberra & Goulburn Disability Employment Services

2 About the Program: CatholicCare Disability Employment Services is funded by DEEWR. Jobseekers with a disability and assessed need for more long-term, regular support in the workplace are able to access this service. CatholicCare Disability Employment Services provides support for people in ACT and Queanbeyan.

3 Eligibility You can receive support from CatholicCare Disability Employment Services if you are: aged 15 years or older not registered with another employment services provider a resident of the ACT or Queanbeyan region actively seeking employment and are able to work at least 8 hours per week experiencing difficulties in your current employment

4 What Type of Disabilities? CatholicCare Disability Employment Services provides support for people with all kinds of disabilities. About 75% of the participants have mental health issues. Other disabilities include learning difficulties, autism, sensory impairments and physical disabilities.

5 Referral Process Referral from Centrelink Direct Registration (which may involve a referral to Centrelink for a Job Capacity Assessment)

6 Exemption from Job Capacity Assessment (JCA) You may not need a JCA if you are: An eligible school leaver A Job in Jeopardy referral.

7 Job in Jeopardy A person can be referred to CatholicCare Disability Employment Services if they are in danger of losing their current employment as a result of issues faced due to his/her disability.

8 Client-centred Approach CatholicCare Disability Employment Services undertakes a client-centred approach in working with our clients. Clients are empowered to set their own employment goals.

9 We assist our clients to: Establish personal employment goals through an Employment Pathway Plan. Become job-ready. Access relevant training or education. Source suitable employment options. Develop resumes and prepare cover letters and job applications.

10 We also: Liaise with employers. Provide on-the-job support. Provide advocacy (where appropriate). Provide referrals to other support services to assist in addressing barriers.

11 Other Mental Health Programs within CatholicCare Canberra & Goulburn SAILS – Strength, Advocacy, Independence & Life Skills Youth and Wellbeing CatholicCare ACCESS Program ASSIST

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