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Journalism Next: Chapter 2: Advanced Blogging Cindy Royal, Ph.D Assistant Professor Texas State University School of Journalism and Mass Communication.

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Presentation on theme: "Journalism Next: Chapter 2: Advanced Blogging Cindy Royal, Ph.D Assistant Professor Texas State University School of Journalism and Mass Communication."— Presentation transcript:

1 Journalism Next: Chapter 2: Advanced Blogging Cindy Royal, Ph.D Assistant Professor Texas State University School of Journalism and Mass Communication

2 Advanced Blogging Every college journalist (really every student) should have a blog Reasons to blog 1)Learn how to use a content management system 2)Build an audience for your writing/reporting 3)Cultivate a collaborative community

3 Advanced Blogging A blog is a continuing conversation But they are not magic, take commitment, dedication and determination Three characteristics: Frequently updated, presented in reverse, chronological order Has headline and body; can include links, photos, other media Allows for comments

4 Advanced Blogging No longer need to know html/web design to have a website. The terrorist attacks of 2001 were the cause of the launch of many tribute blogs Blogs launched on news websites, way to present more content, different voice Simple, immediate and interactive

5 Becoming a blogger Read other blogs – scan & check out blogs on news sites Look up blogs on a subject that interests you, particularly one you hope to cover Make note of the most interesting, best elements of each

6 Learn the language Post Permalink Trackback Blogroll Vlog Moblog

7 Create a blog Determine what your blog will be about Establish goals Create a basic plan – name, description, mission Choose a blog system – Wordpress There are others: Blogger, Tumblr, Posterous Wordpress – free to host on their server, add a theme, you can pay for domain, access to customize CSS

8 Create an audience Put the reader first, get to the point Organize your ideas Be direct Be the authority, with a personality Write clearly, edit. Make posts scanable – lists, bold text, subheads Link, summarize, analyze Write good headlines Have a good attitude Photos and videos Participate in the community – read other blogs, comment, link to them Be passionate about your topic

9 Some notes on Diffusion Theory Diffusion of innovation as defined by Everett Rogers is “the process by which an innovation is communicated through certain channels over time among the members of a social system” Elements of Diffusion Innovation Communication Channels Time A Social System (including opinion leaders and change agents) Characteristics of Innovation Relative Advantage Compatibility Complexity Trialability Observability

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