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Blogging Getting Started. What is a Blog? Web log – “a website where entries are written in chronological order and displayed in a reverse chronological.

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Presentation on theme: "Blogging Getting Started. What is a Blog? Web log – “a website where entries are written in chronological order and displayed in a reverse chronological."— Presentation transcript:

1 Blogging Getting Started

2 What is a Blog? Web log – “a website where entries are written in chronological order and displayed in a reverse chronological order.” Attributes: Commentary/news on a subject Personal (more diary-like) Combines text, images, links to other blogs/sites Readers can leave comments (interactive) Source:

3 Why Blog? (Personal) Quick and easy way of communicating with family, friends Global audience for thoughts, rants, ideas Post photos, movies Travel experiences Repository for other blogs, websites you like

4 Why blog? (Education) Up-to-date communication with parents Encourages kids to write and reflect Voice to entire class Shy kids, all abilities Honest responses, discussions Global audience Example: Room 12 Student BlogsRoom 12 Student Blogs

5 Interesting Facts 120,000 new blogs created every day One new blog every 1.4 seconds In 2004, 8 million adults created blogs 1.5 million posts per day -17 posts per second 2004 – 62% internet users didn’t know what a blog was Japanese = #1 blogging language (37%), 2)English = 33%, 3) Chinese = 8%

6 Growth of Blogging

7 Blogging Tools Blogger Popular, easy, powerful Learnerblogs Offers free Wordpress-based blogs for students Class Blogmeister Free classroom blog tool – teacher moderates student- posted content

8 Blogger Easy to create and update One of most popular blogging tools Word-like WYSIWYG formatting tools Customize with template, add media, widgets

9 Learnerblog WordPress (powerful) blog tool just for education Customizable look – large selection of templates Comment span protection

10 Blogmeister Free, classroom focused Teacher can evaluate, comment on, publish student posts Controlled environment

11 Blogging Tutorials Atomic Learning Blog Basics Blogger Tour Weblogg-ed – resource/info

12 Blogs = for Conversations Comments from within class (students, teachers) Invite global comments

13 Blogging Tips Kids only use first name, no personal identifying details Use education blogging sites or private, members-only sites Develop guides for acceptable blogging, review Acceptable Use Policy


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