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Gifted Students: The Group of Students Who are Left Behind Dr. Gwen Frank, SUNY College at Oneonta Best Practice Conference -2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Gifted Students: The Group of Students Who are Left Behind Dr. Gwen Frank, SUNY College at Oneonta Best Practice Conference -2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gifted Students: The Group of Students Who are Left Behind Dr. Gwen Frank, SUNY College at Oneonta Best Practice Conference -2012

2 Agenda  Welcome  Activity – What have you observed or “feel” a gifted are characteristics of an advanced or gifted student?  Bright Child or Gifted Learner  Marland Definition of the gifted  Autonomous Learner activity  Closure

3 Activity  Individually – Somewhere on your Best Practice brochure, create a list of characteristics of advanced or gifted learners in their area of strength.  Partner share  Total group

4 Activity  Bright Child vs. Gifted Learner  Partner - envelopes

5  With participants surrounding you, discuss how might this effect your prescription of curriculum to these students?

6 So who are the gifted students?  In New York, there is no definition to assist educators  New York is one (1) of eight (8) states that does not mandate services for the gifted.  42 other states do

7 Marland Federal Definition  Students, children, or youth who give evidence of high achievement capability in areas such as intellectual, creative, artistic, or leadership capacity, or in specific academic fields, and who need services and activities not ordinarily provided by the school in order to fully develop those capabilities

8 Autonomous Learner Activity

9 Questions? Comments?  Dr. Gwen Frank,  Assistant Professor,  SUNY College at Oneonta   Office: 607-436-3420

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