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WHO WE ARE: NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF LOCAL AUTHORITIES full name – Russian National Congress of Municipalities non-government organization date of inception.

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Presentation on theme: "WHO WE ARE: NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF LOCAL AUTHORITIES full name – Russian National Congress of Municipalities non-government organization date of inception."— Presentation transcript:

1 WHO WE ARE: NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF LOCAL AUTHORITIES full name – Russian National Congress of Municipalities non-government organization date of inception - July 7 th, 2006 founders and members – 81 Constituent Entity Councils of Local Authorities – 91% of Russian municipalities legal basis – federal frame law On the general principals of organizing local self-government in RF (October 6th, 2003) office - Moscow our site - WWW.RNCM.RUWWW.RNCM.RU founded: Local Government Research Center (LGRC) and National Agency of Municipal Information (NAMI)

2 ASSOCIATION LEADERSHIP AND EXECUTIVE BODY Members General Assembly Presidium President – Stepan Kirichuk CEO – Victor Pankrashchenko Deputy CEOs Inter-municipal cooperation Legal Department International Cooperation Staff – 10 people 2


4 ORGANIZATIONAL PRIORITIES AND GOALS to serve as an effective representative and an advocate of the fundamental principles of the local authorities in Russia; to build a local authorities network to foster interactions between municipalities, recently formed Constituent Entities Councils of Municipalities and other associations of local authorities; to represent, promote and carry out the consolidated positions of local government to the federal government; to represent and promote the interests of Russian local authorities on the international level in order to advance their collaboration with the international community. 4

5 OUR CORE ACTIVITIES to interact closely with the federal government while representing and defending the common interests and main principals of local self-government; to monitor federal legislation while protecting the interests of local authorities; to take an active role in policy-making process by participating in drafting and implementation of federal legislation related to local authorities; 5

6 OUR CORE ACTIVITIES (CONTINUED) to provide management assistance, training and information resources to increase members institutional capacity; to collect and analyze country-wide local government related data, to disseminate the information; to support the development of local government senior executives and staff training program system in Russia. RNCM initiated the creation of the Russian National Municipal Services Council which is formed from representatives of federal executive government, constituent executive government, constituent councils of local authorities and municipal education institutions; to bring the municipal theme into Russian main media coverage; to develop stronger cooperation between Russian local authorities and its counterparts abroad. 6

7 RNCM INTERNATIONAL RNCM and Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe (CLRACE) o RNCM President is a member of the Culture and Education Committee; o RNCM CEO is a Russian delegation Secretary at the Chamber of Local Authorities. National nominations to the Chamber of Local Authorities o As it is stipulated in the federal legislature, RNCM is vested with the authority to nominate candidates for the Russian Federation National Delegation at the Chamber of Local Authorities of the CLRACE for the final appointment by the President of the Russian Federation. RNCM and International Local Government Associations 7

8 MEMBERS INFORMATION SYSTEM launched June 2007, members only new tool and technique o to provide on-line live work for staff of RNCM and councils, o to foster peer collaboration, o to collect and analyze data, to disseminate information, o to provide direct legal and management assistance, o to introduce best local government practices in Russia and worldwide. 8

9 Research projects Municipal Elections – Fall 2008 Interaction between local administration and local businesses Local communities development: citizen initiatives National Agency of Municipal Information (NAMI): concept development and launch Structure Report on Local Democracy of the council of Europe: updating the 2006 edition CURRENT ACTIVITIES 9

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