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University Research Power Point Project. Slide One This slide will have the name of your university, your name, period, and date. Name of University Joe.

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Presentation on theme: "University Research Power Point Project. Slide One This slide will have the name of your university, your name, period, and date. Name of University Joe."— Presentation transcript:

1 University Research Power Point Project

2 Slide One This slide will have the name of your university, your name, period, and date. Name of University Joe Student Period 3 April 15, 2003

3 Name of University Location of University Why you chose this university School’s Mascot When was university established Size/Enrollment/Population

4 Colleges & Programs List the colleges that are available at your university (example, College of Nursing, College of Education). List the programs that are available at your university (example, sports).

5 Tuition & Costs Cost of tuition (in-state and/or out of state) Cost per class/year/semester Living costs (room & board, food, travel, expenses)

6 Entrance Requirements What GPA (Grade Point Average) you have to have to be admitted to the university. What are the minimum SAT/ACT scores needed What classes should you take in high school to prepare you for college?

7 Other Information Your reasons that this would be a good university/college to attend (example: close to home, you can pay in-state tuition, good sports program) Famous alumni (former students) who attended this university/college The best thing about this university/college is…….

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