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Interconnectivity of computerised customs systems Brussels 12 December 2012 Juan José García Sánchez JOINT CUSTOMS AND TRADE FACILITATION FORUM: A CUSTOMS.

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Presentation on theme: "Interconnectivity of computerised customs systems Brussels 12 December 2012 Juan José García Sánchez JOINT CUSTOMS AND TRADE FACILITATION FORUM: A CUSTOMS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Interconnectivity of computerised customs systems Brussels 12 December 2012 Juan José García Sánchez JOINT CUSTOMS AND TRADE FACILITATION FORUM: A CUSTOMS STRATEGY FOR THE CONTINENTAL FREE TRADE AREA (CFTA) Organised by the African Union and European Union Commissions with the African Regional Economic Communities ² 1/8

2 Contents Introduction Requirements and risks Planning Common mistakes Solutions 2/8

3 (a) Introduction: What is interconnectivity? Exchange of information between IT systems. -Between customs administrations. -Between state agencies. -With economic operators. CFTA: exchange of information between customs administrations. -Undervaluation. -Classification/origin. Exchange of information is very expensive! 3/8

4 (b) Requirements and Risks: 1 st - Administrative capacity. Risk: Useless IT investments, obsolescence. 2 nd - Compatible information. Risk: wrong conclusions, miss risky consignments. 3rdt- Legal basis: MoU. Risk: useful information is not exchanged, obsolescence of IT. 4th- Compatible IT systems AND interface... Risk: useless purchases of IT systems, high maintenance costs. 4/8

5 (c) Planning: Phase 1-Administrative capacity and compatible information: minimum of 2 years. Phase 2- Signature of MoU: minimum of 1 year. Phase 3- Technical: several years depending of info exchanged and compatibility of IT systems. Conclusion: 2017 difficult to achieve. 5/8

6 (d) Common mistakes: Wrong assessment of required business processes; Lack of comprehensive specifications of the IT system that will be used for exchange of information; Wrong estimation of development and maintenance costs; Lack of coordination between partner administrations; Lack of expertise inside customs administrations for maintenance; 6/8

7 (e) Solutions: Detailed evaluation and planning BEFORE expenditure; Realistic goals; Detailed terms of reference; Reliable companies/partners; Ensure that you have project management experts and IT experts; Centralised project management; national coordinators; 7/8

8 Further information on TAXUD websites : EU IT systems: Trade Facilitation: or by e-mail: Thank you. 8/8

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