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Presentation on theme: "US History * Mr. Marinello THE RISE OF THE GREAT COMMUNICATOR."— Presentation transcript:


2  Nixon resigns in 1974  He had nominated Minority Leader Gerald Ford to be his VP  Ford now becomes President.  The first President who was not popularly elected  Ford goes about setting the country right  “Our long national nightmare is over”  In September of 1974 Ford pardoned Richard Nixon  Ford’s Presidency, while conservative, was brief and mired by the stain of Watergate and the pardon. THE DOWNFALL OF A PRESIDENT

3  Ford faced a primary challenge from other Republicans  California Governor, Ronald Reagan opposed Ford for the nomination  Reagan was far more conservative than Ford  Reagan and other Republicans were angry that Ford did not do more to help the South Vietnamese army in 1975.  Ford is eventually nominated but is damaged by the process  The Democrats nominate Georgia Governor, Jimmy Carter  Carter, former Navy officer. Former peanut farmer  Positioned as an outsider ELECTION OF 1976

4  Carter is a soft spoken southerner  Carter is a liberal Democrat  Installs solar panels on the White House  America faces severe economic issues  The economy slows down  Inflation climbs  Creating “stagflation”  On top of that gas becomes scarce CARTER WINS

5  In 1979, Islamists in Iran overthrow the Shah (King) of Iran  Iran is a key controller of world oil  The revolution pressures world supply  Revolutionary Iran is not a friend of the US  The US needs to figure out how to handle the shortage  Lines at gasoline stations  Rationing  Even/Odd day fill ups  Carter attempts leadership  Famously encourages Americans to lower their home thermostats, wear cardigans IRANIAN REVOLUTION/ENERGY CRISIS

6  One signature achievement that Carter earned was a break through in foreign policy  In 1977, Carter brokers a peace agreement between Israel and Egypt.  This is the first attempt by the US to establish peace in the Middle East.  These discussions become known as “The Camp David Accords” CARTER’S SUCCESSES

7  During the Revolution, Americans working at the Embassy were not able to evacuate  66 Americans in the Embassy were held hostage in Iran as a result of the revolution.  The hostages were held for 444 days (November 1979 – January 1981)  Americans are rapt by the story  Carter attempts a rescue but it fails  This incident damages Carter’s reputation severely IRANIAN HOSTAGE CRISIS

8  Carter is challenged for the Democratic nomination by Ted Kennedy, further damaging Carter.  The Republicans nominate Ronald Reagan  Reagan is a great communicator  Nicknames “The Great Communicator”  Reagan wins handily  This is seen as the start of the “Reagan Revolution”  Conservatism finally found it’s champion THE ELECTION OF 1980

9  Former actor, Reagan used his affable style and humor to combat his enemies.  Reagan is the oldest person ever inaugurated  69 years old  70 days into office an assassin shoots and wounds Reagan.  Reagan’s approval rating sky rocket  After his recovery, he begins to implement the Conservative wish list  Reagan implements supply-side economics  Broad tax cuts  Support for businesses  Sometimes called “Reagan-omics” RONALD REAGAN

10  Communism was still a major concern for Americans  The Soviet Union was seen as a major threat to America  Reagan believed in “peace through strength”  Supported increased spending for the military  Reagan’s investments in defense spending ballooned the federal debt.  The goal was to outspend the Soviets, thus destroying their economy.  One hallmark of this plan was SDI  Strategic Defense Initiative  Also called “Star Wars”  A plan to destroy ballistic (nuclear) missiles before they reached the US. REAGAN’S FOREIGN POLICY

11  Defeating the Soviet Union was still of paramount concern for Americans  Reagan was an anti-communist from the 1950’s  He lived through the “Red Scare”  For Reagan, the rhetoric was as important as the policy.  In 1987, Reagan visited Berlin, which was still divided into West and East Berlin.  In an effort to pressure soviet leaders into reform he delivered his famous “Tear Down this Wall” speech.  Had little impact on actual foreign policy but shaped his legacy as a cold warrior. REAGAN AND THE SOVIET UNION

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