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Welcome Review Teams Vision Teachers and Content Area Teachers Oregon Department of Education December 7 and 8, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Review Teams Vision Teachers and Content Area Teachers Oregon Department of Education December 7 and 8, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Review Teams Vision Teachers and Content Area Teachers Oregon Department of Education December 7 and 8, 2010

2  Objectives  Introductions  Housekeeping  Workshop Norms  Workshop Evaluation  Agenda  Vocabulary  Process Highlights with “Released” Sample Test Items

3  Individuals understand that this workshop is an initial step  Initial “quick” examination of ODE’s test item pools (about 18,000 test items) to discern items accessible as-is by Students Using Braille via 18-cell refreshable Braille reader or Braille embosser (“on the fly”)  Gather your written input Comment forms(yellow forms – any time) Evaluation (end of workshop)

4  Parking  Confidentiality Agreement: sign and submit  Security today and tomorrow: no cell phones, no email  Restrooms and Exits

5  Temporary Employees Conditions of Temporary Employment ODE Temporary Application Form I-9 (Identification Required) Form W-4 Criminal History Verification of Applicants Employee Questionnaire for Self-Identification of Race/Ethnicity (Optional) Timesheet

6 Everyone  Mileage that you drive: by date, include departure/arrival time, from & to “towns”  Parking or Bus: enter what you pay for parking or bus daily (receipts not needed)  Initial to verify that you will not get any other travel awards  Name, SSN, Signature, and Mailing Address

7 Those traveling 70 miles or more  Record Meal Costs and Lodging by Date  Lodging: Maximum State Rate in Salem is $70 plus tax. Enter the tax as Misc. You will need to attach a zero balance lodging receipt.

8 Those traveling 70 miles or more (cont.)  Meals Breakfasts: If your hotel provides a breakfast, you will not be reimbursed for restaurant breakfast. Otherwise, attach receipt and reimbursement will be up to $ 11.50. Lunches: Lunch is provided at this meeting. Dinners: Attach receipt. Reimbursement will be for up to $ 23.00. (Remember: No alcohol)

9 Meeting Rules  No electronic device turned on during the review sessions (This includes laptops, cameras, cellular phones, PDA)  DO NOT replicate or send secure test items electronically  DO NOT make or keep copies of any test item materials  DO NOT disclose confidential testing materials for any actual or potential test items to anyone outside ODE  DO return any and all of the materials entrusted to you by ODE or its contractors in their entirety after your work has been completed

10 Meeting Norms  Each person quietly focuses on workshop tasks– quiet so others can concentrate  Work quickly and consistently (4 to 7 items/minute)  Concisely ask questions if needed  Remember if something is said: please do not repeat  Use the Comment Forms to communicate concerns

11  Grade Level Content Teachers There is one Content Teacher per Item Pool (Subject/Grade). In your breakout room, you will have a laptop. In consultation with your vision teacher, quickly go from test item to test item to discern your first impression of “best fit category” Carefully record the category for each test item.  Vision Teachers There is one Vision Teacher on each High School Group (HS Math for example). There is one Vision Teacher on each Elementary and Middle School Group (3 rd and 4 th grade math group, 5 th and 6 th grade math group).  ODE Specialist Content Area Facilitators: Jim Leigh (Math), Ken Hermens (Reading), Leslie Phillips (Science and Social Sciences) Team Roles

12  Category (1 to 5) 1 – Definitely this item works for students using Braille 2 – Yes with simple Transcriber Notes 3 – Yes with Braille Embosser 4– Yes with Braille Embosser and simple Transcriber Notes 5 – Omit for Now  Is there a table in this object?  Yes  Or leave blank  Is there a graphic that is not substantive (“eye candy”)?  Yes  Or leave blank Team Roles: 3 Tasks Per Test Object

13  Mark: I have a question I have a concern  Concisely and professionally print your question or concern  Name optional

14  The daily schedule  The facilities  The quality and usefulness of the materials and resources  The quality and information in the training session  The quality and productiveness of the item categorization sessions

15  Today (9:00 – 3:30) Overview, Training, Item Pool Review, Recap Breaks: 10:30 – 10:45 and 1:45-2:00 Working Lunch: Noon – 12:30  Tomorrow (9:00 – 3:30) Debrief, Item Pool Review, Reflection, Evaluation Breaks: 10:00 – 10:15 and 1:45-2:00 Working Lunch: 11:30 – 12:30

16  In your folder, you have a vocabulary sheet  If it is blank, then you will be looking for definitions  If it has definitions, then you will share definitions with those seeking – and initial that person’s sheet for def. given  Goal: 10 minutes – fill out as much of your sheet or give out as many definitions as possible

17 10:00 – 10:15

18  Braille will be delivered to the student via an 18-cell refreshable Braille display (Literary Braille only)  Include items that need verbatim text only (includes items with graphics that are non- substantive “eye candy”, not needed for student understanding)  Exclude items that need Nemeth Braille, have a graphic needed to understand or respond to the question, or have complicated formatting that would require tactile display


20  Braille will be delivered to the student via an 18-cell refreshable Braille display (Literary Braille only)  Include items that need verbatim text plus simple, non-interpretive transcriber notes (e.g., inserting a one-word label for a simple graphic needed to understand or respond to the question)  Exclude items that need Nemeth Braille, have a complicated graphic needed to understand or respond to the question, or have complicated formatting that require tactile display


22  Braille will be delivered to the student via a Braille Embosser (both Literary and Nemeth Braille)  Include items that need verbatim text only but require either Nemeth Braille or tactile display  Exclude items that have complicated formatting / graphics or graphics that require transcriber notes (e.g., labels)


24  Braille will be delivered to the student via a Braille Embosser (supports both Literary and Nemeth Braille)  Include items that need verbatim text and requires either tactile display or Nemeth Braille simple, non-interpretive transcriber notes (e.g., inserting a one-word label for a graphic needed to understand or respond to the question)  Exclude items that have complicated formatting/ graphics


26  Include items in that have complicated formatting or graphics  If you spend 15 seconds on an item, it is a “5”  ODE will develop new items that cover the same content standard and item difficulty, but that is formatted in a manner appropriate for Braille users







33 Conservatism Rules!!! 15-Second Rule

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