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SEIS does matter! sa ɪ z d ə z mæt ə !sa ɪ z d ə z mæt ə ! Towards a Shared Environmental Information System.

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Presentation on theme: "SEIS does matter! sa ɪ z d ə z mæt ə !sa ɪ z d ə z mæt ə ! Towards a Shared Environmental Information System."— Presentation transcript:

1 SEIS does matter! sa ɪ z d ə z mæt ə !sa ɪ z d ə z mæt ə ! Towards a Shared Environmental Information System

2 42 % of EU citizens feel poorly informed about environmental issues Source: Eurobarometer, March 2008


4 Commission Communication COM(2008)46 Towards a Shared Environmental Information System (SEIS) Better decisions from local to European level need better and more timely information, based on more efficient monitoring and reporting systems S Dimas, Feb 2008

5 Who do you trust most when it comes to environmental issues? Source: Eurobarometer, March 2008

6 Scope of SEIS Improve Modernise Streamline the present information systems

7 Benefits Simplification and efficiency Legal thematic information requirements Procedure for reporting Organisation of data gathering Better regulation, better policy High quality, timely information Empowering citizens Informed decision making Emergency response

8 How ? better integration and sharing online information services distributed information management Local, national, European, global serving policy makers and public virtually interconnected systems e-reporting use existing e-infrastructure

9 1. S haring Organisation (political commitment) Partnership (giving and taking) Networking (connecting) 2. E nvironmental I nformation Content (horizontal integration) Local to global (vertical integration) Real time Quality assurance 3. S ystem Infrastructure e-Services In other words, SEIS is about...

10 Data and information services ICT, Inspire, GMES, Reportnet... What does it mean for us ? emvironmental data centres EEA Data and Information products Air Land useProducts Climate Change Biodiversity SoilForests WasteWater Natural resources... Networking, Eionet, Group of 4, EPAs, agreements, country visits...

11 Understanding the context GMES Inspire SEIS

12 Reporting performance EEA Priority Data Flows % of data reported SEIS in practice at EEA


14 Road map for implementation 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Political commitment SEIS SEIS implementation plan Revised EC standardised reporting directive Online e-reporting systems First Inspire data services GMES space infrastructure 2013 EC Communication SEIS

15 Does one SEIS fit all? Y Y Z Z X X

16 Is SEIS XSmall or XXLarge ?

17 What can you do for SEIS? Ensure tracebility of your data Avoid duplication Ensure interoperability Increase web services Strengthen networking Start small, think big tips

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