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INFSO/F3 1 The TEN-Telecom Programme Jose Soler INFSO/F3, EC TEN-TELECOM Information Day.

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Presentation on theme: "INFSO/F3 1 The TEN-Telecom Programme Jose Soler INFSO/F3, EC TEN-TELECOM Information Day."— Presentation transcript:

1 INFSO/F3 1 The TEN-Telecom Programme Jose Soler INFSO/F3, EC TEN-TELECOM Information Day

2 INFSO/F3 2 TEN-Telecom mission A Community action bridging the gap between the end of the research phase (once a product exists) and the beginning of its market deployment (once a business case exists)

3 INFSO/F3 3 TEN-Telecom focuses on applications and generic services Content ICT Industry EU Markets TEN-Telecomprogramme Telecommunications networks based applications and generic services Physical infrastructure

4 INFSO/F3 4 How? Stimulating investment: in the launch of trans-European multimedia applications and generic services based on telecommunications networks (fixed and mobile) in areas of general interest

5 INFSO/F3 5 Financially supporting: market validation projects and deployment projects By what means?

6 Implementing e-Europe priorities Preparatory RTD activities Feasibility phase : Market validation, business plan Deployment phase: Start-up Full operation Investment decision TEN-Telecom areas of concern PROJECTS OF COMMON INTEREST Generic services Education and training Europes Cultural heritage Services for SMEs Transport and mobility Environment & emergency management Health City &regional info networks New works methods Basic networks interoperation

7 INFSO/F3 7 Plans for investment Deployment project Partners committed to invest Good understanding of the market addressed Concrete work plan for rolling out an innovative and (commercially profitable) product/ service of common interest Proof of past investments With a trans-European (global) dimension Clear identification of financial obstacles to be met Convincing management Pre-existing product/ service you can demonstrate Prepare a Business Plan for global deployment A business case to be validated (i.e., clear business potential) Partnership with well identified roles. Experienced management Proposal in line with TEN-Telecom sectors of interest and objectives Project objectives Validate the product/ service in real market conditions Consolidated management and identified investors Project results Business Plan A commercial product/ service prototype Market Validation Project Adequate work plan and minimum budget necessary

8 INFSO/F3 8 Pre-existing product/ service you can demonstrate Prepare a Business Plan for global deployment A business case to be validated (i.e., clear business potential) Partnership with well identified roles. Experienced management Proposal in line with TEN- Telecom sectors of interest and objectives Project objectives Validate the product/ service in real market conditions Consolidated management and identified investors Market Validation Project Adequate work plan and minimum budget necessary

9 INFSO/F3 9 Plans for investment Deployment project Partners committed to invest Good understanding of the market addressed Concrete work plan for rolling out an innovative and profitable product/ service of common interest Proof of past investments With a trans-European (global) dimension Clear identification of financial obstacles to be met Convincing management Project results Business Plan A commercial product/service prototype

10 INFSO/F3 10 FORMS OF COMMUNITY FUNDING (up to 10% of total investment cost) - Direct grants - Interest rebates - Contributions to guaranty fees - Risk capital - Direct grants - Interest rebates - Contributions to guaranty fees - Risk capital PROJECTPHASES FUNDEDPROJECTPHASES FUNDED (technical studies, design and development, technical validation) Business plan Market validation Evaluation of Business plan Initial Market deployment Full Market deployment Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 PREDEPLOYMENTPHASESPREDEPLOYMENTPHASES DEPLOYMENTPHASESDEPLOYMENTPHASES Project Phases and Funding Research and development - Co-funding of Business plan and Market validation (up to 50 %) - Co-funding of Business plan and Market validation (up to 50 %)

11 INFSO/F3 11 Business plan - first work package of a project - first draft at month 6 Preparation of Business plan - advise by business experts (BPS project) Market validation project Market validation - demonstration in real market context - up to 12 months

12 INFSO/F3 12 Initial market deployment project ENTRY CONDITIONS : An operational business plan A detailed investment plan and well identified investors Convincing management and control of the business Concrete work plans (i.e., clear milestones) OBJECTIVES : Accelerate investment implementation Test commercial roll-out and competition Confirm management structure Confirm cash-flow generation and investment profitability

13 INFSO/F3 13 Direct grants to investments Subsidies of the interest on loans Contributions towards fees for guarantees Up to 10% of the total investment costs on the two first years Previous support to be deducted from this 10% threshold Risk capital participation for investment funds Initial Market deployment projects: Financial rules

14 INFSO/F3 14 Calendar Call for proposals 2000/2 close 29 January 2001 Indicative Budget 33,5 Meuro Evaluation of proposals February 2001 Contracts negotiation for selected projectsApril-June 2001 Start execution retained projects July 2001 Call for experts close 12 December 2001

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