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My Trip to ….. Insert picture of country you are visiting.

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Presentation on theme: "My Trip to ….. Insert picture of country you are visiting."— Presentation transcript:

1 My Trip to ….. Insert picture of country you are visiting

2 Air Fare to … Flight Plan Cost of Ticket Positive Travel Point Negative Travel Point Insert relative picture related to travel plan

3 Currency Exchange in … Money used in … Exchange Rate $1 = … Insert picture of currency from your country

4 Hotel Accommodations I Stayed at… Positive Accommodation Point Negative Accommodation Point Cost to stay in Hotel per night in US Dollars Cost to stay in Hotel per night in your country’s money Insert relative picture of your hotel

5 Breakfast at … I ordered… Cost of Breakfast in my Country’s Currency Cost of Breakfast in US $ Positive about Breakfast Negative about Breakfast Insert picture of breakfast from your restaurant

6 Lunch at … I ordered… Cost of Lunch in my Country’s Currency Cost of Breakfast in US $ Positive about Lunch Negative about Lunch Insert picture of lunch from your restaurant

7 Dinner at … I ordered… Cost of Dinner in my Country’s Currency Cost of Dinner in US $ Positive about Dinner Negative about Dinner Insert picture of dinner from your restaurant

8 I traveled around my country by … Cost for daily travel in my country’s currency Cost for daily travel in US Currency Positive about daily travel mode Negative about daily travel mode Insert picture of travel mode from your country

9 History site I visited … Historical Site Point 1 Historical Site Point 2 Historical Site Point 3 Entry Fee Cost in My Country’s Currency Entry Fee Cost in US Currency Insert historical site visited from your country

10 Title of Festival Attended Point one about Festival site Point two about Festival site Point three about Festival site Cost of Festival in my country’s currency Cost of Festival in US $ Insert picture of festival from your country

11 I shopped at… Where is shopping located Item(s) purchased (minimum 2) Cost of each item purchased in my country’s currency Cost of each item purchased in US $ Positive about shopping experience Negative about shopping experience Insert pictures of items purchased from your country

12 Sources Site your sources!

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