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Subject: English. For a long time ago we plan to go on a trip. After a while, we decided to travel at the end of June, because it’s the beginning.

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Presentation on theme: "Subject: English. For a long time ago we plan to go on a trip. After a while, we decided to travel at the end of June, because it’s the beginning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Subject: English




5 For a long time ago we plan to go on a trip. After a while, we decided to travel at the end of June, because it’s the beginning of the suer season, the weather is beautiful, and we will avoid the crowd, so then we will better see all the beauties of the countries that we will visit. According to our plan, in the morning on the 19-th of June, we have to fly to Paris. Each of us will have 3000$ and with that money we have to buy our tickets. Our plan is to stay 7 days out of our country. We hope that the money that we’ll have will be enough for us and we will have great time.

6 According to our assessment the ticket from Skopje to Paris will cost us 50$, so each of us in Paris will have 2950$. First of all, we will go in the hotel and we will travel by metro. At the beginning we will spend about 20$. Paris is very beautiful city and he has a lot of things that you have to visit. * Because we’ll arrive at 8:30 am, at about 10:00 am we’ll have breakfast. At 12:00 am we’ll leave the hotel and the first place that we’ll visit is the famous street Le Champs-Élysées. Also at the same day we’ll visit La Fayette too. We’ll go shopping! We are sure that we will find some great pieces of clothes, and we hope that we’ll arrive when there are extra prices.

7 Musée du Louvre

8 At the end we’ll visit the famous and very beautiful Eiffel-Tower, and for this we’ll need 37$. In the hotel we’ll arrive about 8:00 pm, we’ll have dinner and we’ll go to sleep, because it will be our last night in Paris. For our stay in the hotel in Paris, we’ll spend 450$ each. Paris offers us a lot of opportunities for more fun. According to our plan, we will visit Versaj, and the ticket for there will cost us 45$. We’ll pass the lunch in the hotel, because we’ll go on a cruise by the river Sena and for that we’ll need 35$.




12 Acapulco We'll have lunch in some of the restaurants, and we'll spend about 70$ In the night we’ll go to the disco, and we’ll have great party there. For one night we’ll spend about 150$, including the tickets and the drinks.




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