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Don’t Pop Your Balloon! Get a Grip on Anger Janet M. Bender, 2002.

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Presentation on theme: "Don’t Pop Your Balloon! Get a Grip on Anger Janet M. Bender, 2002."— Presentation transcript:

1 Don’t Pop Your Balloon! Get a Grip on Anger Janet M. Bender, 2002.

2 Anger is a strong feeling of displeasure aroused by a real or supposed wrong. It is a normal, healthy emotion experienced by everyone. Janet M. Bender, 2002.

3 Anger begins with negative thoughts which trigger physical changes in your body such as:
Tense muscles Rapid breathing Increased sweating Rapid heart beat Increased blood flow

4 People react in different ways when they feel angry:
Some people express their anger. Some people hide their anger from others and even from themselves. Hidden anger can create anxiety and stress. What do you do with your anger?

5 Let’s pretend that this balloon is a person, and the air blown into the balloon is the person’s angry feelings. What will eventually happen if we keep on blowing more and more air into a balloon without ever letting any air out?

6 Yes, it will pop! When a balloon breaks it isn’t fun to play with anymore.

7 If a person fills up with anger and negative thoughts, he or she may “pop” by…
Hurting someone Hurting something Would that person be fun to play with?

8 Some inappropriate ways to express anger are:
Hitting others Damaging property Saying hurtful things Hurting yourself

9 Keeping anger inside may result in harmful behaviors such as…
Frightening dreams Sleep problems Grinding teeth or clenching jaws while sleeping Feeling down or depressed Stomach ulcers/other illness Nervous feelings and behaviors Procrastination or habitual lateness

10 To be happy and healthy, you can learn to recognize and express your anger in appropriate ways. You can choose ways to express anger that do not hurt anyone or anything.

11 What things or situations cause you to feel angry?
Complete the “Things That Bug Me” checklist now. Put a check beside all the things that “bug” you enough to cause you to feel angry. Things That Bug Me

12 Things That Bug Me Name: _______________________________ Date:_______
Having people talk about me Being teased Not getting enough attention One parent lives out of town Missing my old friends Getting blamed for something I didn’t do Not getting to do something I want Having too many responsibilities My family not getting along Not doing as well in school as I would like to Name: _______________________________ Date:_______ Copyright 2002 Janet M. Bender

13 How do you look and sound when you get angry? Do you…
Get red faced Clam up Pout and sulk Raise your voice Throw things Hit something or someone Clench fists Feel sad Other Janet M. Bender, 2002.

14 Does your anger ever cause problems for you? How?
Let’s look at some ways to help.

15 Things to Do to Get a Grip on …
Anger Janet M. Bender, 2002.

16 Punch, poke or twist Play Doh or clay Pound a pillow
Scribble a picture Finger paint an angry picture Pop balloons or packing bubbles Work it out—clean your room, rake etc. Take deep breaths, count to 10 Talk to someone more

17 Write in a journal Jump rope, exercise, get moving Blow bubbles Tear up paper Dream about favorite things “Time out” yourself

18 Which idea/s will you try?
Write or draw about the idea you will try the next time you get angry. Share your plan with someone. Ask for help if you need it.

19 When you “get a grip” on anger, you’ll like yourself better and others will like you better too.

20 The End Microsoft Corporation 2002, Office XP, PowerPoint 2002
Janet M. Bender, 2002.

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