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Woodfuel supply chains in Austria. Woodfuel supply chains 1. Developments in Styria 2. Woodfuel supply chains 3. Biomass Trade Centres.

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Presentation on theme: "Woodfuel supply chains in Austria. Woodfuel supply chains 1. Developments in Styria 2. Woodfuel supply chains 3. Biomass Trade Centres."— Presentation transcript:

1 Woodfuel supply chains in Austria

2 Woodfuel supply chains 1. Developments in Styria 2. Woodfuel supply chains 3. Biomass Trade Centres

3 Location and Key Facts of Styria 1.1 Mio. inhabitants 16.000 km² area 63% afforestation 45.000 forest owners

4 Well wooded province – 63% afforestation

5 Quelle: BFLFUW Felling volume 2010: 8.300.000 m³

6 Timber harvesting and logging in Austria Austria 2010: Cutting and processing by harvester:~ 17 % Conventionell timber harvesting:~ 83 %

7 Demand of energy wood in Styria until 2020 [solid cubic meter / year]

8 Developments in Styria 1. Developments in Styria 2. Woodfuel supply chains 3. Biomass Trade Centres

9 1. Non mechanised felling and processing with a chain saw extraction by hand / steep terrain ProductivityCosts Solid m³/day/solid m³ 10 - 3036 - 50 Harvesting systems

10 2. Partially mechanized felling and processing with a chain saw extraction by tractor, winch, skidder… ProductivityCosts Solid m³/day/solid m³ 30 – 9716 - 35 Harvesting systems

11 3. Highly mechanised felling with a chain saw, processing by processor extraction by cable systems ProductivityCosts Solid m³/day/solid m³ 60 – 12921 - 36 Harvesting systems

12 4. Fully mechanised felling and processing by harvester extraction by forwarder ProductivityCosts Solid m³/day/solid m³ 59 – 12017 - 25 Harvesting systems

13 Location for chipping on felling site

14 Location for chipping on forest road

15 Chipping on the forest road SWOT – Analysis Strengths -Locally processing of raw material -No additional manipulation and transport cost for branches and treetops Weakness - Small storage areas - Long rest period for trucks while the chipping process - Well forest road for trucks

16 Chance - Additional use of logging residuals Risks - Collaboration: chipping and delivery Chipping on the forestry road SWOT – Analysis

17 Location for chipping wood storage place

18 Location for chipping at the plant

19 Chipping – wood storage place Strenghts Large chipper = lower costs per bulk m³ On site chipping – no additional transport costs Weakness Transport of branches – lower transport capacity Requirements and orders: noise, dust, neighbours,…

20 Chances Efficient workload of current chipper Risks Deprivation of nutrient / wood – due to the use of branches Chipping – wood storage place

21 Biomass Trade Centres 1. Developments in Styria 2. Woodfuel supply chains 3. Biomass Trade Centres

22 Biomasse Trade Centres in Austria Hartbergerland Leoben Pölstal

23 Waldstein 2006

24 Pölstal 2008

25 Hartbergerland 2009

26 BTC in operation - 2011 action scope: 25 km

27 BLTC Important Questions Where is the raw material from ? Potential in the region Who ist the supplier Who are the customers? Potential in the region Biomass district heating plants, CHP- plants based on biomass Privat households, business enterprises What are the competing sectors? Fossile fuels Heat pumps 20 km max. 30 km

28 Wood Energy Contracting and grants 1.Developments in Styria 2.Woodfuel supply chains 3.Biomass Trade Centres 4.Wood Energy Contracting and grants

29 Heating with Bioenergy in Austria Wood energy contracting – Biomass district heating

30 District heating in former times,… Source:

31 Wood energy contracting an district heating

32 Austria 550 Projects with 390 MW Range from 40kW to 1MW

33 What is subsidised ? Heating capacity Max. subsidy Limits Biomass heating systems based on woodchips, pellets or logwood 10 kW up to 150 kW 20 %max. 2.200 25 kW max. 2.480 40 kW max. 3.800 150 kW Subsidies - Single house systems

34 What is subsidised? Heating capacity Max. subsidy Limits Boilers, storage room, heating, installations 30 kW up to 250 kW 30 % max. 35.000 Subsidies - Wood Energy Contracting and Biomass district heating plants What is subsidised? Heating capacity Max. subsidy Limits biomass district heating plant including heat distribution network 250 kW up to 4.000 kW 30 % individual project calculations

35 What is subsidised? Max. subsidy Limits BTC, storage room, splitting machinery, dryers, employees 30 % 200.000 within 3 years Subsidies – Biomass Trade Centres

36 Development of automatically Wood Heating Systems

37 Why do we need woodheat solutions ?

38 Why do we need woodheat solutions ?

39 Thank you for your attention Christian Metschina Chamber for agriculture an forestry A-8010 Graz, Hamerlinggasse 3 Tel: +43 316 8050 1267 Fax: +43 316 8050 1507 E-Mail:

40 Forest technology event in Austria – Welcome

41 Any Questions ?

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