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U.S. History Swat It! A Region 20 Production. Who was the president who purchased the Louisiana Territory? Thomas Jefferson John Adams James Madison.

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Presentation on theme: "U.S. History Swat It! A Region 20 Production. Who was the president who purchased the Louisiana Territory? Thomas Jefferson John Adams James Madison."— Presentation transcript:

1 U.S. History Swat It! A Region 20 Production

2 Who was the president who purchased the Louisiana Territory? Thomas Jefferson John Adams James Madison

3 Who was the president who purchased the Louisiana Territory? Thomas Jefferson John Adams James Madison

4 What was the final outcome of the War of 1812? The British won Iran Won It was a draw

5 What was the final outcome of the War of 1812? The British won Iran Won It was a draw

6 A poet who wrote about the nation’s past in works such as “The Midnight Ride…”? Paul Revere Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Henry David Thoreau

7 A poet who wrote about the nation’s past in works such as “The Midnight Ride…”? Paul Revere Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Henry David Thoreau

8 The document that established the orderly settlement of new territories west of the Appalachian Mountains? Louisiana Purchase Rush- Bagot Agreement Northwest Ordinance

9 The document that established the orderly settlement of new territories west of the Appalachian Mountains? Louisiana Purchase Rush- Bagot Agreement Northwest Ordinance

10 The term that describes people who want to make slavery illegal? Transcen- dentalist Suffragists Abolitionists

11 The term that describes people who want to make slavery illegal? Transcen- dentalist Suffragists Abolitionists

12 The President who warned the U. S. to “steer clear of permanent alliances”? George Washington Thomas Jefferson James Monroe

13 The President who warned the U. S. to “steer clear of permanent alliances”? George Washington Thomas Jefferson James Monroe

14 A type of farming that produces only enough to meet personal needs? Plantation Subsistence Farming Cotton Farming

15 A type of farming that produces only enough to meet personal needs? Plantation Subsistence Farming Cotton Farming

16 The people who supported ratification of the Constitution and a strong national government? Federalists Anti- federalists Republicans

17 The people who supported ratification of the Constitution and a strong national government? Federalists Anti- federalists Republicans

18 The name of the document that was America’s first “Constitution”? Mayflower Compact Bill of Rights Articles of Confederation

19 The name of the document that was America’s first “Constitution”? Mayflower Compact Bill of Rights Articles of Confederation

20 The author who gave Americans pride in their past with stories such as Rip Van Winkle? Edgar Allan Poe Washington Irving Frederick Douglass

21 The author who gave Americans pride in their past with stories such as Rip Van Winkle? Edgar Allan Poe Washington Irving Frederick Douglass

22 The freedom of private businesses to operate competitively for profit with little government regulation? Industrialization Free Enterprise Mercantilism

23 The freedom of private businesses to operate competitively for profit with little government regulation? Industrialization Free Enterprise Mercantilism

24 A tax on foreign goods brought into a country? TariffFareProvision

25 A tax on foreign goods brought into a country? TariffFareProvision

26 A very large farm program requiring many workers? Subsistence farm Harvesting Plantation System

27 A very large farm program requiring many workers? Subsistence farm Harvesting Plantation System

28 Involvement in a community that involves going a step beyond a person’s obligations by taking an active role? Civil Disobedi ence Voting Civic Virtue

29 Involvement in a community that involves going a step beyond a person’s obligations by taking an active role? Civil Dis- obedience Voting Civic Virtue

30 Oregon Territory Spanish Territory Louisiana Territory The territory gained in 1803, doubling the size of the United States? ?

31 Oregon Territory Spanish Territory Louisiana Territory The territory gained in 1803, doubling the size of the United States? ?

32 The issue that forced the United States into war with Great Britain in 1812? Impressment Taxation without Representation Imperialism

33 The issue that forced the United States into war with Great Britain in 1812? Impressment Taxation without Representation Imperialism

34 Urbanization is The Southern Economy To Organize Workers The Growth of Cities

35 Urbanization was The Southern Economy To Organize Workers The Growth of Cities

36 Document that “forbids” European nations from re-colonizing the western hemisphere? Washington’s Farewell Address Monroe Doctrine Treaty of Paris 1783

37 Document that “forbids” European nations from re-colonizing the western hemisphere? Washington’s Farewell Address Monroe Doctrine Treaty of Paris 1783

38 In addition to the locomotive, what other early 1800s technological innovation led to an increase in markets for goods manufactured in the Northeast? Steamboat Steel Plow Cotton Gin

39 In addition to the locomotive, what other early 1800s technological innovation led to an increase in markets for goods manufactured in the Northeast? Steamboat Steel Plow Cotton Gin

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