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Misc. Washington Adams Jefferson War of 1812 10 20 30 40 50 40 30 20 10 50 40 30 20 10 50 40 30 20 10 50 40 30 20 10.

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2 Misc. Washington Adams Jefferson War of 1812 10 20 30 40 50 40 30 20 10 50 40 30 20 10 50 40 30 20 10 50 40 30 20 10

3 Washington – 10 Points QUESTION: He was Commander in Chief of the Continental Army and first President of the United States. ANSWER: George Washington

4 Washington – 20 Points QUESTION: Washington set a precedent for all future presidents by creating this team of advisors. ANSWER: The Cabinet (Secretary of State, War, Treasury)

5 Washington – 30 Points QUESTION: This action during Washington’s administration led to the Whiskey Rebellion in western Pennsylvania. ANSWER: Passage of an excise tax on whiskey.

6 Washington – 40 Points QUESTION: Washington pursued this policy towards foreign nations during his presidency. ANSWER: Neutrality; steer clear of permanent alliances with foreign nations.

7 Washington – 50 Points QUESTION: Creating a national bank, full funding of national debt, excise tax and protective tariffs. ANSWER: Alexander Hamilton’s financial plan (Washington’s Secretary of the treasury)

8 Adams – 10 Points QUESTION: George Washington’s vice president, second president of the United States ANSWER: John Adams

9 Adams – 20 Points QUESTION: Act passed by Adams that made it illegal to criticize the government. ANSWER: The Sedition Act.

10 Adams – 30 Points QUESTION: “Millions for defense, not one cent for tribute.” ANSWER: XYZ Affair

11 Adams – 40 Points QUESTION: Act that gave the president the right to deport or imprison foreigners that were seen as a threat to the nation. ANSWER: The Alien Act

12 Adams – 50 Points QUESTION: Jefferson and Madison’s response to the Alien and Sedition Acts. Reflected the conflict between states’ rights and federal supremacy. ANSWER: The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions.

13 Jefferson – 10 Points QUESTION: Washington’s Secretary of State, third president of the U.S. ANSWER: Thomas Jefferson

14 Jefferson – 20 Points QUESTION: Major foreign policy success of Jefferson; doubled the size of the U.S. in 1803 ANSWER: Louisiana Purchase.

15 Jefferson – 30 Points QUESTION: Supreme Court Chief Justice whose decisions strengthened the federal government. ANSWER: John Marshall.

16 Jefferson – 40 Points QUESTION: Supreme Court decision that set the precedent for judicial review. ANSWER: Marbury v. Madison.

17 Jefferson – 50 Points QUESTION: This geographic/physical area was added to the U.S. by the Louisiana Purchase. ANSWER: The Great Plains.

18 War of 1812 – 10 Points QUESTION: These two nations fought against each other in the War of 1812. ANSWER: U.S. and Britain.

19 War of 1812 – 20 Points QUESTION: Henry Clay was a leader of this group of young Congressmen. ANSWER: War Hawks.

20 War of 1812 – 30 Points QUESTION: Act passed by President Jefferson that banned U.S. exports to all foreign countries; proved to be catastrophic to the U.S. economy. ANSWER: The Embargo Act of 1807.

21 War of 1812 – 40 Points QUESTION: Peace treaty that ended fighting in the War of 1812. ANSWER: Treaty of Ghent.

22 War of 1812 – 50 Points QUESTION: American author that wrote The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Rip Van Winkle. ANSWER: Washington Irving.

23 Misc. – 10 Points QUESTION: This pamphlet by Thomas Paine urged colonists to declare their independence from Great Britain. ANSWER: Common Sense.

24 Misc. – 20 Points QUESTION: These Ordinances are considered achievements of the Articles of Confederation because they established a process for settling and governing new territories. ANSWER: Land Ordinance of 1785/Northwest Ordinance of 1787.

25 Misc. – 30 Points QUESTION: This compromise at the Constitutional Convention of 1787 set a provision for a bicameral legislature. ANSWER: Great Compromise.

26 Misc. – 40 Points QUESTION: The first national government under this framework was considered to be very weak because it could not enforce its own laws or levy taxes on the states. ANSWER: The Articles of Confederation.

27 Misc. – 50 Points QUESTION: This compromise during the Constitutional Convention of 1787 served as a solution on how to determine the number of representatives in the House for each state by counting a portion of the state’s slave population. ANSWER: The Three-Fifths Compromise.

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