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C HAPTERS 17 AND 18 T EST R EVIEW Grammar and Writing Miss Kuffa.

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1 C HAPTERS 17 AND 18 T EST R EVIEW Grammar and Writing Miss Kuffa

2 P REPOSITIONAL P HRASES AND THE W ORDS THEY M ODIFY : U NDERLINE THE PREPOSITIONAL PHRASE OR PHRASES AND CIRCLE THE PREPOSITION. T HEN DRAW AN ARROW FROM THE PHRASE TO THE WORD IT MODIFIES. Many tropical plants thrive in southern Florida. Many of Florida’s plants were imported into the state. We looked across the swamp and saw thick vegetation. Manatees, or sea cows, swim along the coast of Florida. Dolphins leap near Florida’s shores and land sometimes in fishing nets.

3 P REPOSITIONAL P HRASES AND THE W ORDS THEY M ODIFY : U NDERLINE THE PREPOSITIONAL PHRASE OR PHRASES AND CIRCLE THE PREPOSITION. T HEN DRAW AN ARROW FROM THE PHRASE TO THE WORD IT MODIFIES. Many tropical plants thrive in southern Florida. Many of Florida’s plants were imported into the state. We looked across the swamp and saw thick vegetation. Manatees, or sea cows, swim along the coast of Florida. Dolphins leap near Florida’s shores and land sometimes in fishing nets.

4 C OMPOUND P REPOSITIONS : U NDERLINE THE COMPOUND PREPOSITION IN EACH SENTENCE. In ancient times, people came out of the north and entered Florida. In addition to fishing, some of these early groups began farming. They also survived by means of hunting and gathering. By 1750, these Native Americans suffered on account of many factors. As of 1819, Florida was part of the United States.

5 C OMPOUND P REPOSITIONS : U NDERLINE THE COMPOUND PREPOSITION IN EACH SENTENCE. In ancient times, people came out of the north and entered Florida. In addition to fishing, some of these early groups began farming. They also survived by means of hunting and gathering. By 1750, these Native Americans suffered on account of many factors. As of 1819, Florida was part of the United States.

6 D ISTINGUISHING B ETWEEN P REPOSITIONS AND A DVERBS : I F THE UNDERLINED WORD ACTS AS A PREPOSITION, WRITE PREPOSITION. I F IT ACTS AS AN ADVERB, WRITE ADVERB. Darlene studied a map of Florida and put it down. __________ Lake Worth is just down the road from Palm Beach.__________ If you look out the window, you can see some flamingos. __________ Let’s go out so that we can see them better. __________ We visited St. Augustine and walked around. __________ Around the town square were many fine old buildings. __________

7 D ISTINGUISHING B ETWEEN P REPOSITIONS AND A DVERBS : I F THE UNDERLINED WORD ACTS AS A PREPOSITION, WRITE PREPOSITION. I F IT ACTS AS AN ADVERB, WRITE ADVERB. Darlene studied a map of Florida and put it down. adverb Lake Worth is just down the road from Palm Beach. preposition If you look out the window, you can see some flamingos. preposition Let’s go out so that we can see them better. adverb We visited St. Augustine and walked around. adverb Around the town square were many fine old buildings. preposition

8 C OORDINATING C ONJUNCTIONS : U NDERLINE THE COORDINATING CONJUNCTION IN EACH SENTENCE. T HEN CIRCLE THE WORDS OR GROUPS THAT ARE JOINED BY THE CONJUNCTION. Long ago, people believed that the ocean floor was smooth and flat. It was a long process, for each sound wave had to be timed. They did not know about the ocean’s deep trenches nor its many plains.

9 C OORDINATING C ONJUNCTIONS : U NDERLINE THE COORDINATING CONJUNCTION IN EACH SENTENCE. T HEN CIRCLE THE WORDS OR GROUPS THAT ARE JOINED BY THE CONJUNCTION. Long ago, people believed that the ocean floor was smooth and flat. It was a long process, for each sound wave had to be timed. They did not know about the ocean’s deep trenches nor its many plains.

10 He enjoys fishing whether he catches anything or he comes back empty-handed. Dave usually fishes for either salmon or tuna. Ocean currents move both heat from the tropics and cold from the polar regions. C ORRELATIVE C ONJUNCTIONS : U NDERLINE THE CORRELATIVE CONJUNCTIONS IN EACH SENTENCE. T HEN CIRCLE THE WORDS OR GROUPS THAT ARE JOINED BY THE CONJUNCTIONS.

11 He enjoys fishing whether he catches anything or he comes back empty-handed. Dave usually fishes for either salmon or tuna. Ocean currents move both heat from the tropics and cold from the polar regions. C ORRELATIVE C ONJUNCTIONS : U NDERLINE THE CORRELATIVE CONJUNCTIONS IN EACH SENTENCE. T HEN CIRCLE THE WORDS OR GROUPS THAT ARE JOINED BY THE CONJUNCTIONS.

12 D ISTINGUISHING C ONJUNCTIONS : U NDERLINE THE CONJUNCTION IN EACH SENTENCE. I F IT IS A COORDINATING CONJUNCTION, WRITE COORDINATING. I F IT IS A CORRELATIVE CONJUNCTION, WRITE CORRELATIVE. Whales have been hunted not only for their meat but also for their oil. __________ Either we control pollution in the seas, or we will have serious problems in the future. __________ The ocean provides us with a wealth of food and other resources. __________

13 D ISTINGUISHING C ONJUNCTIONS : U NDERLINE THE CONJUNCTION IN EACH SENTENCE. I F IT IS A COORDINATING CONJUNCTION, WRITE COORDINATING. I F IT IS A CORRELATIVE CONJUNCTION, WRITE CORRELATIVE. Whales have been hunted not only for their meat but also for their oil. correlative Either we control pollution in the seas, or we will have serious problems in the future. correlative The ocean provides us with a wealth of food and other resources. coordinating

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