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Quality assurance in postgraduate education - an ENQA workshop - Bruno Curvale President of ENQA Brasov 12-13 of March 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Quality assurance in postgraduate education - an ENQA workshop - Bruno Curvale President of ENQA Brasov 12-13 of March 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quality assurance in postgraduate education - an ENQA workshop - Bruno Curvale President of ENQA Brasov 12-13 of March 2009

2 ENQA An association of agencies which adhere to the ESG A consultative member of the BFUG ESG A rule with regards to the relationship between HEIs and agencies A code of professionalism for agencies The terms of reference of the external evaluation of agencies

3 E4 ENQA, ESU, EUA, EURASHE The partners who collaboratively develop the European QA framework in higher education ENQAs workshops are aiming at: Sharing experience Raising awareness on contexts Identifying questions and possible answers Problem-setting versus problem-solving Feeding the European debates

4 I wish us a fruitful workshop Thank you for your attention

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