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Project-Based Learning and Performance-Based Assessment.

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Presentation on theme: "Project-Based Learning and Performance-Based Assessment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project-Based Learning and Performance-Based Assessment

2 Alternative Terms Problem-based Inquiry-based Authentic Real-world Learning by Doing

3 Components Real-world framework and context for learning Long-term projects Local and/or Community projects Service learning, non-profits, or charities Enterprise projects Involving companies Risk and making mistakes are accepted as part of the process Feedback is collegial and respectful

4 Experiential Learning Learning by doing Hands-on experience in highly applied environment Students actively engage in creating their own knowledge Internships or service learning Learning Cycle Plan Do Reflect Integrate

5 Community-Centered Collaboration Learning communities of students, faculty, experts, and mentors Team projects which foster collaborative, interpersonal, and communication skills

6 Knowledge-Centered Competency-Based Learning Well-defined learning goals and competencies Knowledge and skills necessary for success are explicitly communicated In-depth understanding is the objective

7 Integrated Content, projects, and courses are well- organized, related, and interdisciplinary, which results in increased relevance Students are not limited to one discipline

8 Learner-Centered Instruction is driven by student Needs Interests Learning styles Students are engaged in solving real-world problems – highly motivational Students try to answer a question that has relevance for them Students have ownership in the learning Self-assessment

9 Mentor-Guided Cognitive apprenticeship Teacher is facilitator, mentor, and guide Students learn to work and think like professionals

10 Assessment-Centered In-depth investigation of a real-world topic worthy of childrens attention and effort. Sylvia Chard Designing learning by starting with the assessment

11 PBL Assessment Tools Rubrics and Portfolios Authentic assessment realistic, like that found in the workplace Co-design PBL rubrics with students Critiques Mentor Teacher Colleague Experts Present by posting on the internet Seeking international collegial feedback by working with students from other countries

12 21 st Century Assessment If Standardized Tests are first generation assessments for accountability, Chris Dede, Harvard, argues that for second- generation standards, we need deeper focus on fewer skills that are central to the 21st century and second- generation assessments need to be broader, multiple measures that look at the many things students have learned and mastered.

13 Conceptual Framework of Project Development Plan Do Pilot Revise Present Objective: Innovative Creative Thinker Cognitive Apprenticeship for Learner Teacher is Expert, Mentor, and Guide Learning Environment Risk-taking is encouraged Community of Learners Constructive criticism is valued Focused on learning process and improving work Cycle of Reflection-Action repeated in Pilot and Revise Thinking about Learning improves Learning Leads to Reflection in Action

14 Plan Design Outline Document Project Map Brainstorm Ideas Prepare Strategy Plan Do Pilot Revise Present

15 Do Construct Draft Create Build Act Compose Carry Out Interpret Represent Produce Artifact Plan Do Pilot Revise Present

16 Pilot Test Ideas Demonstrate early version Explore alternatives Evaluate performance Implement Seek Feedback Collegial Critique Mentor Desk Critique Self-Reflection Performance before competence – James Gee Plan Do Pilot Revise Present

17 Revise Edit Rework Improve Optimize Fine Tune Enhance Polish Upgrade Plan Do Pilot Revise Present

18 Defend Discuss Display Exhibit Perform Communicate Results Assess Evaluate Plan Do Pilot Revise Present

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