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Preface IIntroduction Objectives I-2 Course Overview I-3 1Introducing the Java and Oracle Platforms Objectives 1-2 What Is Java? 1-3 Key Benefits of Java.

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Presentation on theme: "Preface IIntroduction Objectives I-2 Course Overview I-3 1Introducing the Java and Oracle Platforms Objectives 1-2 What Is Java? 1-3 Key Benefits of Java."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preface IIntroduction Objectives I-2 Course Overview I-3 1Introducing the Java and Oracle Platforms Objectives 1-2 What Is Java? 1-3 Key Benefits of Java 1-4 An Object-Oriented Approach 1-6 Platform Independence 1-7 Using Java with Enterprise Internet Computing 1-8 Using the Java Virtual Machine 1-10 How Does JVM Work? 1-12 Benefits of Just-In-Time (JIT) Compilers 1-14 Implementing Security in the Java Environment 1-16 Deployment of Java Applications 1-18 Using Java with Oracle 10g 1-19 Java Software Development Kit 1-20 Using the Appropriate Development Kit 1-21 Integrated Development Environment 1-22 Exploring the JDeveloper Environment 1-23 Oracle 10g Products 1-24 Summary 1-25 2Defining Object-Oriented Principles Objectives 2-2 What Is Modeling? 2-4 What Are Classes and Objects? 2-5 An Object s Attributes Maintain Its State 2-6 Objects Have Behavior 2-8 Objects Are Modeled as Abstractions 2-9 Defining Object Composition 2-11 The Donut Diagram 2-13 Guided Practice: Spot the Operations and Attributes 2-14 Collaborating Objects 2-15 Objects Interact Through Messages 2-16 What Is a Class? 2-17 How Do You Identify a Class? 2-18 Comparing Classes and Objects 2-19 What Is Encapsulation? 2-21 What Is Inheritance? 2-22 Using the Is-a-Kind-of Relationship 2-23 What Is Polymorphism? 2-24 Contents iii

2 Architecture Rules for Reuse 2-26 Engineering for a Black Box Environment 2-27 Order Entry UML Diagram 2-28 Summary 2-29 Practice 2: Overview 2-30 Order Entry System Partial UML Class Model 2-33 3Basic Java Syntax and Coding Conventions Objectives 3-2 Examining Toolkit Components 3-4 Exploring Packages in J2SE/J2EE 3-5 Documenting Using the J2SE 3-6 Contents of a Java Source 3-7 Establishing Naming Conventions 3-8 More About Naming Conventions 3-10 Defining a Class 3-12 Rental Class: Example 3-13 Creating Code Blocks 3-15 Defining Java Methods 3-16 Examples of a Method 3-17 Declaring Variables 3-18 Examples of Variables in the Context of a Method 3-19 Rules for Creating Statements 3-20 What Are JavaBeans? 3-21 Managing Bean Properties 3-22 Exposing Properties and Methods 3-23 JavaBean Standards at Design Time 3-24 Compiling and Running a Java Application 3-25 The CLASSPATH Variable 3-26 CLASSPATH : Example 3-27 Summary 3-28 Practice 3: Overview 3-29 4Exploring Primitive Data Types and Operators Objectives 4-2 Reserved Keywords 4-4 Variable Types 4-5 Primitive Data Types 4-7 What Are Variables? 4-9 Declaring Variables 4-10 Local Variables 4-11 Defining Variable Names 4-12 What Are Numeric Literals? 4-13 What Are Nonnumeric Literals? 4-15 Guided Practice: Declaring Variables 4-17 What Are Operators? 4-19 iv

3 Categorizing Operators 4-20 Using the Assignment Operator 4-21 Working with Arithmetic Operators 4-22 More on Arithmetic Operators 4-23 Examining Conversions and Casts 4-24 Incrementing and Decrementing Values 4-26 Relational and Equality Operators 4-27 Using the Conditional Operator ( ?: ) 4-28 Using Logical Operators 4-29 Compound Assignment Operators 4-30 Operator Precedence 4-31 More on Operator Precedence 4-32 Concatenating Strings 4-33 Summary 4-34 Practice 4: Overview 4-35 5Controlling Program Flow Objectives 5-2 Categorizing Basic Flow Control Types 5-4 Using Flow Control in Java 5-6 Using the if Statement 5-7 Nesting if Statements 5-8 Guided Practice: Spot the Mistakes 5-9 Defining the switch Statement 5-10 More About the switch Statement 5-12 Looping in Java 5-13 Using the while Loop 5-14 Using the do…while Loop 5-15 Using the for Loop 5-16 More About the for Loop 5-17 Guided Practice: Spot the Mistakes 5-18 The break Statement 5-19 Summary 5-20 Practice 5: Overview 5-21 6Building Applications with Oracle JDeveloper 10g Objectives 6-2 What Is Oracle JDeveloper 10g? 6-3 Exploring the JDeveloper Environment 6-4 Examining Workspaces 6-5 What Are Projects? 6-7 Creating JDeveloper Items 6-8 Creating an Application Workspace 6-9 Specifying Project Details 6-10 Selecting Additional Libraries 6-11 Adding a New J2SE 6-12 v

4 Looking at the Directory Structure 6-13 Exploring the Skeleton Java Application 6-14 Finding Methods and Fields 6-15 Supporting Code Development with Profiler and Code Coach 6-16 Customizing JDeveloper 6-17 Using the Help System 6-18 Obtaining Help on a Topic 6-19 Oracle JDeveloper 10g Debugger 6-20 Setting Breakpoints 6-22 Using the Debugger Windows 6-24 Stepping Through a Program 6-25 Watching Data and Variables 6-26 Summary 6-27 Practice 6: Overview 6-28 7Creating Classes and Objects Objectives 7-2 Using Java Classes 7-4 Comparing Classes and Objects 7-5 Creating Objects 7-6 Using the new Operator 7-7 Comparing Primitives and Objects 7-8 Using the null Reference 7-9 Assigning References 7-10 Declaring Instance Variables 7-11 Accessing public Instance Variables 7-12 Defining Methods 7-13 Calling a Method 7-14 Specifying Method Arguments: Examples 7-15 Returning a Value from a Method 7-16 Calling Instance Methods 7-17 Applying Encapsulation in Java 7-18 Passing Primitives into Methods 7-19 Passing Object References into Methods 7-20 What Are Class Variables? 7-21 Initializing Class Variables 7-22 What Are Class Methods? 7-23 Guided Practice: Class Methods or Instance Methods 7-24 Examples in Java 7-25 Creating Classes Using the Class Editor 7-26 What Are Java Packages? 7-27 Grouping Classes in a Package 7-28 Setting the CLASSPATH with Packages 7-29 Access Modifiers 7-30 Summary 7-32 Practice 7: Overview 7-33 vi

5 8Object Life Cycle and Inner Classes Objectives 8-2 Overloading Methods 8-4 Using the this Reference 8-5 Initializing Instance Variables 8-6 What Are Constructors? 8-7 Defining and Overloading Constructors 8-8 Sharing Code Between Constructors 8-9 final Variables, Methods, and Classes 8-10 Reclaiming Memory 8-11 Using the finalize() Method 8-12 What Are Inner Classes? 8-13 Using Member Inner Class 8-14 Using Local Inner Class 8-15 Defining Anonymous Inner Classes 8-16 Using the Calendar Class 8-17 Summary 8-18 Practice 8: Overview 8-19 9Using Strings, String Buffer, Wrapper, and Text-Formatting Classes Objectives 9-2 What Is a String ? 9-3 Creating a String 9-4 Concatenating Strings 9-5 Performing Operations on Strings 9-6 Performing More Operations on Strings 9-7 Comparing String Objects 9-8 Producing Strings from Other Objects 9-9 Producing Strings from Primitives 9-10 Producing Primitives from Strings 9-11 Wrapper Class Conversion Methods 9-12 Changing the Contents of a String 9-13 Formatting Classes 9-14 Using the SimpleDateFormat Class 9-15 Using the MessageFormat Class 9-16 Using DecimalFormat 9-17 Guided Practice 9-18 Using Regular Expressions 9-20 About System.out.println 9-23 About OutputStream and PrintStream 9-24 What Is Object Serialization? 9-25 Serialization Streams, Interfaces, and Modifiers 9-28 Summary 9-29 Practice 9: Overview 9-30 vii

6 10Reusing Code with Inheritance and Polymorphism Objectives 10-2 Key Object-Oriented Components 10-3 Example of Inheritance 10-4 Specifying Inheritance in Java 10-5 Defining Inheritance by Using Oracle JDeveloper 10g 10-6 What Does a Subclass Object Look Like? 10-7 Default Initialization 10-8 The super Reference 10-9 The super Reference Example 10-10 Using Superclass Constructors 10-11 Specifying Additional Methods 10-13 Overriding Superclass Methods 10-15 Invoking Superclass Methods 10-17 Example of Polymorphism in Java 10-19 Treating a Subclass as Its Superclass 10-20 Browsing Superclass References by Using Oracle JDeveloper 10g 10-21 Acme Video and Polymorphism 10-22 Using Polymorphism for Acme Video 10-23 Using the instanceof Operator 10-25 Limiting Methods and Classes with final 10-26 Ensuring Genuine Inheritance 10-27 Summary 10-28 Practice 10: Overview 10-29 11Using Arrays and Collections Objectives 11-2 What Is an Array? 11-3 Creating an Array of Primitives 11-4 Declaring an Array of Primitives 11-5 Creating an Array Object for an Array of Primitives 11-6 Initializing Array Elements 11-8 Creating an Array of Object References 11-9 Initializing the Objects in the Array 11-10 Using an Array of Object References 11-11 Arrays and Exceptions 11-12 Multidimensional Arrays 11-13 main() Revisited 11-14 Working with Variable-Length Structures 11-15 Modifying a Vector 11-16 Accessing a Vector 11-17 Java Collections Framework 11-18 Collections Framework Components 11-20 Using ArrayList and Hashtable 11-21 Using Iterators 11-22 Summary 11-23 Practice 11: Overview 11-24 viii

7 12Structuring Code Using Abstract Classes and Interfaces Objectives 12-2 Defining Abstract Classes 12-3 Creating Abstract Classes 12-4 What Are Abstract Methods? 12-5 Defining Abstract Methods 12-7 Defining and Using Interfaces 12-8 Examples of Interfaces 12-9 Creating Interfaces 12-10 Implementing Interfaces 12-12 Sort: A Real-World Example 12-13 Overview of the Classes 12-14 How the Sort Works 12-15 The Sortable Interface 12-16 The Sort Class 12-17 The Movie Class 12-18 Using the Sort 12-19 Using instanceof with Interfaces 12-20 Summary 12-21 Practice 12: Overview 12-22 13Throwing and Catching Exceptions Objectives 13-2 What Is an Exception? 13-3 How Does Java Handle Exceptions? 13-4 Advantages of Java Exceptions: Separating Error Handling Code 13-5 Advantages of Java Exceptions: Passing Errors Up the Call Stack 13-7 Advantages of Java Exceptions: Exceptions Cannot Be Ignored 13-8 Checked Exceptions, Unchecked Exceptions, and Errors 13-9 What to Do with an Exception 13-11 Catching and Handling Exceptions 13-12 Catching a Single Exception 13-13 Catching Multiple Exceptions 13-14 Cleaning Up with a finally Block 13-15 Catching and Handling Exceptions: Guided Practice 13-16 Allowing an Exception to Pass to the Calling Method 13-18 Throwing Exceptions 13-19 Creating Exceptions 13-20 Catching an Exception and Throwing a Different Exception 13-21 Summary 13-22 Practice 13: Overview 13-23 ix

8 14User Interface Design: Swing Basics Planning the Application Layout Objectives 14-2 Running Java UI Applications 14-3 AWT, Swing, and JFC 14-4 Swing Features 14-6 Lightweight or Heavyweight Components? 14-8 Planning the UI Layout 14-9 The Containment Hierarchy 14-10 Top-Level Containers 14-12 Intermediate Containers 14-14 Atomic Components 14-15 Layout Management Overview 14-16 Border Layout 14-18 GridBag Layout 14-19 GridBag Constraints 14-20 Using Layout Managers 14-22 Combining Layout Managers 14-24 Using Frames or Dialogs 14-25 Using JPanel Containers 14-27 Adding Borders to Components 14-29 Using Internal Frames 14-30 Swing Text Controls 14-32 Adding Components with Oracle JDeveloper 10g 14-33 Creating a Frame 14-34 Adding Components 14-35 Setting Pluggable Look and Feel 14-37 Summary 14-39 Practice 14: Overview 14-40 15Adding User Interface Components and Event Handling Objectives 15-2 Swing Components 15-3 Swing Components in JDeveloper 15-5 Invoking the UI Editor 15-7 How to Add a Component to a Form 15-8 Edit the Properties of a Component 15-9 Code Generated by JDeveloper 15-10 Creating a Menu 15-12 Using JDeveloper Menu Editor 15-13 Practice 15-1: Overview 15-14 UI for Java Application 15-15 Java Event Handling Model 15-20 Event Handling Code Basics 15-21 Event Handling Process: Registration 15-22 Event Handling Process: The Event Occurs 15-24 Event Handling Process: Running the Event Handler 15-25 x

9 Using Adapter Classes for Listeners 15-26 Swing Model View Controller Architecture 15-27 Basic Text Component Methods 15-30 Basic JList Component Methods 15-31 What Events Can a Component Generate? 15-32 How to Define an Event Handler in JDeveloper 15-33 Default Event Handling Code Style Generated by JDeveloper 15-34 Completing the Event Handler Method 15-35 Summary 15-36 Practice 15-2: Overview 15-37 16Using JDBC to Access the Database Objectives 16-2 Java, J2EE, and Oracle 10g 16-3 Connecting to a Database with Java 16-4 What Is JDBC? 16-5 Preparing the Environment 16-6 Steps for Using JDBC to Execute SQL Statements 16-8 Step 1: Registering the Driver 16-9 Connecting to the Database 16-10 Oracle JDBC Drivers: Thin Client Driver 16-11 Oracle JDBC Drivers: OCI Client Drivers 16-12 Choosing the Right Driver 16-13 Step 2: Getting a Database Connection 16-14 About JDBC URLs 16-15 JDBC URLs with Oracle Drivers 16-16 Step 3: Creating a Statement 16-17 Using the Statement Interface 16-18 Step 4a: Executing a Query 16-19 The ResultSet Object 16-20 Step 4b: Submitting DML Statements 16-21 Step 4b: Submitting DDL Statements 16-22 Step 5: Processing the Query Results 16-23 Step 6: Closing Connections 16-24 A Basic Query Example 16-25 Mapping Database Types to Java Types 16-26 Handling an Unknown SQL Statement 16-28 Handling Exceptions 16-29 Managing Transactions 16-30 The PreparedStatement Object 16-31 How to Create a PreparedStatement 16-32 How to Execute a PreparedStatement 16-33 Maximize Database Access 16-34 Connection Pooling 16-35 Summary 16-38 Practice 16: Overview 16-39 xi

10 17Deploying Applications by Using Java Web Start Objectives 17-2 What Is Java Web Start? 17-3 Running a Web Start Application 17-4 Advantages of Web Start 17-5 Examining the JNLP File 17-6 Deploying Applications with JDeveloper 17-7 Creating the Deployment Profile File 17-8 Saving the Deployment Profile 17-9 Selecting Files to Deploy 17-10 Making an Executable.jar File 17-11 Creating and Deploying the Archive File 17-12 Using JDeveloper to Deploy an Application to Java Web Start 17-13 Step 1: Generate Deployment Profiles and Archive Application 17-14 Step 2a: Start OC4J 17-15 Step 2b: Creating a Connection 17-16 Step 3: Use Web Start Wizard to Create a JNLP File 17-17 Step 4: Archive and Deploy the Application to the OC4J Server 17-18 Summary 17-19 Practice 17: Overview 17-20 Appendix A: Practice Solutions Appendix B: Java Language Quick-Reference Guide Appendix C: Practice Solutions xii

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