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Welcome to Cambridge Dr. Philip Sargent, Diboride Conductors Ltd.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Cambridge Dr. Philip Sargent, Diboride Conductors Ltd."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Cambridge Dr. Philip Sargent, Diboride Conductors Ltd.

2 Why come to Cambridge ? 76 Nobel Prizes (Chicago 72, Columbia 60, Harward 40, MIT 36, Princeton 30, Humboldt Berlin 29) Newton, Babbage, Maxwell, Bragg, Rutherford, Dirac, Whittle, Wilkes, Perutz, Kendrew, Crick, Watson, Sanger, Oatley, Klug, Milstein Physics, Molecular Biology, Engineering

3 Cambridge in the last 30 years From 50 to 1600 high tech. companies 45,000 employed, 2,000 millionaires locally Since 1972, capitalisation of £40 billion Science Parks, ARM, Software ERBI 160 biotech, 60% industrial ink jets

4 Cambridge in the last 3 years Cambridge Entrepreneurship Centre (CEC) 110 new businesses Judge Institute Business School (12 years) 4 th in Europe, 22 nd World (FT rank) Europes Technology Cluster EEDA explicit target: Innovation Capital of Europe

5 This Morning 10:15 Welcome & Engineering Context Conductor Development 10:45 Paola Lezza 11:15 Fang & Salama 11:30 Mike Tomsic 12:15 Discussion 12:30 Lunch

6 Afternoon MgB 2 in AC Machines 14:00 Wolfgang Gawalek 14:40 Late presentations 15:15 Discussion and Close 15:20 Tea

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