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Vocabulary Week 3 Tin. Word 1: Hang Def: To hold on and swing freely Sent: The man was hanging from the tree.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary Week 3 Tin. Word 1: Hang Def: To hold on and swing freely Sent: The man was hanging from the tree."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary Week 3 Tin

2 Word 1: Hang Def: To hold on and swing freely Sent: The man was hanging from the tree.

3 Word 2: Skin Def: Outer protective part of body Sent: He had very dry skin.

4 Word 3: Hold Def: To have in your arms or hands Sent: Hold on to my arm so I do not fall.

5 Word 4: Ladder Def: Device for climbing Sent:

6 Word 5: Jewelry Def: Objects worn for decoration Sent: She did not like wearing jewelry.

7 Word 6: Get dressed Def: To put clothes on Sent: I get dressed when I wake up.

8 Word 7: Garden Def: Land used for flowers or vegetables Sent: We have a small flower garden.

9 Word 8: Jog Def: To run a slow speed Sent: I jogged to the store for a Snickers

10 Word 9: Hook Def: A curved piece of metal used to catch Sent: I got a fish hook caught in my ear.

11 Word 10: Lake Def: A big body of water Sent: The ducks swam on the lake.

12 Word 11: Flood Def: A river overflowing its banks Sent: Our car floated away in the flood.

13 Word 12: Forest Def: A big area of trees Sent: The big, bad wolf lives in the forest.

14 Word 13: Frozen Def: To become solid from freezing Sent: They found their dog frozen in the ice.

15 Word 14: Fog Def: Water drops in the air Sent: I could not see her in the fog.

16 Word 15: Glove Def: A protective cover for hands Sent: She wore pink gloves when it snowed.

17 Word 16: Island Def: Small area of land surrounded by water Sent: The man lived on his island alone.

18 Word 17: Squat Def: To sit down without a chair Sent: He squats down and waits for the bus.

19 Word 18: Grin Def: A big that shows teeth Sent: His big grin was very annoying.

20 Word 19: Hose Def: Tube used for carrying water or air Sent: He used a hose to water his flowers.

21 Word 20: Jellyfish Def: A sea animal Sent: A jellyfish sting hurts really bad.

22 Word 21: Dark Def: Closer to black, having little light Sent: The man came out of the dark night.

23 Word 22: Hill Def: Raised surface of the earth but smaller than a mountain Sent: Jack and Jill went up the hill.

24 Word 23: Stream Def: Flowing water but smaller than a river Sent: The stream had frogs and fish in it.

25 Word 24: Dessert Def: Sweet food after a meal Sent: Apple pie for dessert is my favorite.

26 Word 25 : Desert Def: A dry area with little rainfall. Sent: Many lizards live in that dessert.

27 Word 26: Coyote Def: A wolf-like animal of North America Sent: A coyote ate our chickens last night.

28 Word 27: Crack Def: An narrow opening caused from breaking Sent: The wall had a big crack in it.

29 Word 28: Discuss Def: To talk about in a group Sent: I want to discuss school with you.

30 Word 29: Costume Def: Clothes worn to act like something else Sent: He wore a scary costume to school.

31 Word 30: Dive Def: To jump into head first Sent: You cannot dive in a shallow pool.

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